NOTE*: If you are not familiar with the mo-
torcycle operation, read paragraphs on "CON-
TROLS" before riding this motorcycle.
Any time you ride your motorcycle, make a general
inspection first and proceed to check the following:
- check fuel level and engine oil level;
- check the brake and clutch fluids level;
- check the steering by turning the handlebar both
ways, fully home;
- check the tyre pressure;
- check the chain tension;
- check the throttle twistgrip and adjust it, if neces-
- turn the ignition switch to ON position: check the
lighting of instrument display and, with gearbox
in neutral, make sure that the neutral warning
light comes on;
- switch on the low beam, the high beam and check
that the relevant warning lights come on;
- operate the turning indicators and check that the
warning light comes on;
- check if the rear stop light is functioning.
The exclusivity of the design, coupled to the high
quality of the materials used and the accuracy of
the assembly, guarantee the higher comfort right
from the start. However, when running for the first
1500 Km., SCRUPULOUSLY follow the rules mentioned
herebelow. Please note that FAILURE TO COMPLY
- warm up the engine by running at low revs before
using the motorcycle;
- avoid quick starts and never rev up the engine
when in low gear;
- ride at low speed until the engine is warmed up;
- apply both brakes several times to settle the pads
and the discs;
- do not maintain the same speed for a long time;
- do not ride for a long time without stopping;
- NEVER drive downhill with GEARBOX IN NEUTRAL,
but shift into gear to brake with the engine if
necessary, thus preventing the fast wear of the
brake pads.
The following list is used for troubleshooting and to
find the necessary remedies.
The engine does not start
- the starting procedures are not correctly followed:
follow the instructions given on paragraph "Start-
ing the engine"
- dirty spark plug: clean
- the spark plug does not spark: adjust the elec-
trodes gap
- faulty starter motor: repair or replace;
- faulty start button: replace the switch
The engine has starting troubles
- dirty or worn out spark plug: clean or replace
The engine starts, but it is erratic
- dirty or worn out spark plug: clean or replace
- faulty spark plug electrode gap: adjust;
The spark plug gets easily dirt:
- unfit spark plug: replace
The engine overheats
- the air flow on the radiators is blocked: clean
- Faulty electric fan: replace thermal switch
- insufficient quantity of oil: top up
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