Last, the SNMP related name, location and contact could be configured in this screen.
These informations are stored in the system branch of the MIB and can be displayed in
a SNMP browser or in the GtnetMng tool (see part 2.1.2).
For convenience, alarms can be notified through the SYSLOG protocol that is more
often implemented under UNIX®.
Here is a description of the fields in this panel:
trap address #1...#5
Address(es) of the computer(s) to which will be sent the SNMP alarm notification.
When you don't use an address, you must check the related no box.
SYSLOG address #1...#2
Address(es) of the computer to which will be sent the SYSLOG alarm notification.
When you don't use an address, you must check the related no box.
Identify the file to use on remote computer for SYSLOG protocol.
Community name
A simple keyword that is needed in a SNMP browser to access SNMP information.
This keyword must have (at most) 8 letter.
System name
A text that you can use to give a name to the LEDI NETWORK TOP. This name
appears in the sysName variable of the system branch of the MIB. The initial value
is LediNetTopnnnnnn (where nnnnnn is the serial number of the product).
System location
A text that you can use to indicate the physical localization of the LEDI NETWORK
TOP. This name appears in the sysLocation variable of the system branch in the
MIB. There is no initial value.
System contact
A text that you can use to indicate the person to contact for any problem related to
this LEDI NETWORK TOP. This name appears in the sysContact variable of the
system branch in the MIB. There is no initial value.