Loading The Tool; Merking For Produktet; Conformidade Com A Ce Para Os Produtos; Es Prohibida La Reproducción Sin Permiso. Las Copias No Autorizadas De Este Documento No Suponen La - Stanley-Bostitch F21PL Données Techniques

Masquer les pouces Voir aussi pour F21PL:
Table des Matières


Warning! Disconnect tool from air supply before attempting any parts disassembly and before changing the work contacting
© Stanley Bostitch
element adjustment.
1. Push in Locking Button
GB Not to be reproduced without permission. Unauthorised copies of this document do not constitute CE
2. Adjust contact arm up to increase depth of drive or down to decrease it.
compliance for the products.
3. Release locking button.
Note: Metal Connector Attachment is not adjustable for depth control.
FR Reproduction interdite sans permission préalable. Les copies non autorisées de ce document ne signifient en
rien que les produits soient conformes aux normes CE.
The adjustable exhaust deflector can be rotated into any desired position by hand without the use of hands.
DE Vervielfältigung nicht ohne Genehmigung gestattet. Unzulässig erstellte Kopien dieses Dokuments erfüllen nicht
die CE-Richtlinien für Produkte.
UTILITY HOOK (All models fitted with grey trigger- Fig 7)
NL Mag niet worden vermenigvuldigd zonder toestemming. Onrechtmatige kopieën van dit document willen niet
These tools include an additional utility hook suitable for storage and temporary hanging of the tool.
zeggen dat de producten voldoen aan de CE-vereisten.
WARNING! Never use the utility hook to hang the tool from the body, clothing or belt.
DK Må ikke gengives uden tilladelse. Uautoriserede kopier af dette dokument udgør ikke CE overholdelse for
WARNING! Never use the utility hook with contact (black) trigger operated tools.


FI Ei saa jäljentää ilman lupaa. Tämän asiakirjan ilman valtuutusta tehdyt kopiot eivät muodosta tuotteille CE-
1. Open the magazine: Pull pusher back to engage latch. (Fig 8)
2. Hold nailer down with magazine tilted downwards. Insert sticks of nails. (Fig 9)
GR Απαγορεύεται η αναπαραγωγή χωρίς προηγούμενη άδεια. Τα μη εξουσιοδοτημένα αντίγραφα του παρόντος
3. Close magazine: Release pusher by first puling back on the pusher and then pressing the release tab. Slide pusher against the
εγγράφου δεν αποτελούν συμμόρφωση CE για τα προϊόντα.
nails. (Fig 10)
Note: Use only fasteners recommended by Bostitch for use in Bostitch tools or nails which meet Bostitch specifications.
IT Vietata la riproduzione senza permesso. Le copie non autorizzate di questo documento non garantiscono la
Warning! When installing metal connectors with the F21PL & N89RH17-2MCN: Use only one stick of metal connector nails at a
conformità CE per i relativi prodotti.
NO Skal ikke reproduseres uten tillatelse. Ikke godkjente kopier av dette dokumentet oppfyller ikke kravene for CE-

merking for produktet.

1. Disconnect the tool from the air supply
PT Reprodução proibida sem autorização prévia. As cópias não autorizadas deste documento não estão em
2. Pull pusher back until it is securely engaged

conformidade com a CE para os produtos.

3. Slide nails back to opening and push out
CAUTION: The pusher and pusher spring (constant force spring).
ES Prohibida la reproducción sin permiso. Las copias no autorizadas de este documento no suponen la
Caution must be used when removing nails, as if pusher is disengaged from latch it could spring forward potentially pinching

conformidad con las normas CE de los productos.

your hand.
Extra caution should be taken when carrying out maintenance on the magazine area of the tool. The spring is wrapped around
SE Prohibida la reproducción sin permiso. Las copias no autorizadas de este documento no suponen la
but not attached to a roller. If the spring is stretched beyond its length, the end will come off the roller and the spring will roll up
conformidad con las normas CE de los productos.
with a snap, with a chance of pinching your hand. Also the edges of the spring are very thin and could cut your hand. Care must
also be taken to insure no permanent kinks are put in the springs as this will reduce the springs force.
PL Niniejszy dokument nie może być kopiowany bez pozwolenia. Nieautoryzowane kopie niniejszego dokumentu nie
stanowią deklaracji zgodności CE prezentowanych produktów.
Step 1 (Fig. 12): Locate guide (A); Pull and rotate cover (B).
CZ Niniejszy dokument nie może być kopiowany bez pozwolenia. Nieautoryzowane kopie niniejszego dokumentu nie
Step 2 (Fig. 13): Locate access windows foe installation and removal of guide rod (C); Locate guide rod storage channel (D);
stanowią deklaracji zgodności CE prezentowanych produktów.
Rotate cover open to install or remove guide rod (E); Install or remove guide rod through rear of magazine (F).
Step 3 (Fig. 14): Install guide rod through (G) for 2.8mm to 3.3mm shank nails. Rotate cover (B) to close; Install guide rod through
SK Rozmnožovanie bez povolenia je zakázané. Neoprávnené kópie tohto dokumentu nie sú v súlade s CE pre dané
(H) for 3.3mm to 4.1mm shank nails. Rotate cover (B) to close.
HU A dokumentum engedély nélkül nem sokszorosítható. Az engedély nélkül sokszorosított dokumentum nem jelenti
a termék CE-megfelelőségét.
RO Reproducerea neautorizată este interzisă. Copiile neautorizate ale acestui document nu reprezintă
conformitatea CE pentru produse.


Table des Matières

Table des Matières