Then the system can be blocked for at least 1 minute and at most 99 minutes.
The system blockage can be deactivated by reading a valid user ID card or ente-
ring the corresponding user code or the user ID card plus user number.
(11) Monitoring the door with magnetic contact (only for output 1)
A. Press the buttons "9" —- "0" —- "0" —- "#"
The monitoring function is deactivated.
B. Press the keys "9" —- ("01" – "99" seconds) —- "#"
The monitoring function is activated.
This function has two different modes:
Example 1:The door was left open longer than the set time (01 - 99 seconds), e.g.
someone forgot to lock the door.
In this case, the buzzer emits a constant signal to remind you to lock the door.
As soon as the door is closed, the buzzer goes off.
The measures to be applied also depend on your system settings
Factory setting = after 10 invalid ID cards, 10 wrong codes, or 1 valid ID
card plus 5 wrong user numbers, the system blockage is active for
1 minute.
As long as the system is blocked, it does not react to the input of ID
cards or key commands. The yellow LED blinks 1 x, the buzzer sounds
1 x briefly in 10 second intervals. As soon as the blockage is deacti-
vated, the buzzer emits a long beep. From now on, the system is rea-
dy for operation again.
Factory setting = monitoring function is deactivated!