B. Saving user codes
On the keypad (6) press the key "1" and now enter a 4-digit user number and a
4 to 8-digit user code. Press the "number" key "#" - the green LED (5) blinks -
Press the "number" key "#" again and the green LED (5) stops blinking. Your
entry is confirmed.
Input: "1" —- "4-digit user number" —- "4 to 8-digit user code" —- "#" —- "#"
(3) Deleting ID cards or user codes (output 1)
A. Press the buttons "2" —- "0"—- "0" —- "0" —- "0" —- "#"
Now all saved ID cards and user codes are deleted.
B. Press the buttons "2" —- "1" —- "Teach in ID card" / or "Enter user code" —- "#".
Now the entered ID card or the entered user code are deleted.
C. Press the keys "2" —- "2" —- and enter the "user number" of the ID card or the
"user code" —- "#". Now the ID card or the user code of the respective user num-
ber is deleted.
(4) Programming the door opening function (output 1)
A. Press the buttons "3" —- "0" —- "0" —- "#"
The door opener is now triggered by the ID card or the user code.
B. Press the buttons "3" —- "0" —- "1" —- "#"
The door opener is now triggered by the ID card + user number.
(5) Programming the opening times / relay output (output 1)
A. Press the keys "4" —- "0" —- ("01" – "99" seconds) —- "#" output 1: Relay opens
between 1 and 99 seconds
If you want to save several codes, you do not have to press the "num-
ber" key "#" again after the second time. Save the individual codes as
described above and press the "number" key "#" after the last entry.
This saves all previous entries as well.
Factory setting = door opener triggered by ID card or user code!