18.2.1 Description of CIM modules
CIM 050
CIM 100
CIM 150
CIM 200
Modbus RTU
CIM 250
CIM 050 is a Grundfos
communication interface
module used for
CIM 050 has terminals for the GENIbus connection.
communication with a
GENIbus network.
CIM 100 has terminals for the LonWorks connection.
CIM 100 is a Grundfos
Two LEDs are used to indicate the actual status of the
communication interface
CIM 100 communication.
module used for
One LED is used for indication of correct connection to the
communication with a
pump, and the other is used to indicate LonWorks
LonWorks network.
communication status.
CIM 150 has terminals for the PROFIBUS DP connection.
DIP switches are used to set line termination.
CIM 150 is a Grundfos
Two hexadecimal rotary switches are used to set the
communication interface
PROFIBUS DP address.
module used for
Two LEDs are used to indicate the actual status of the
communication with a
CIM 150 communication.
PROFIBUS network.
One LED is used for indication of correct connection to the
pump, and the other is used to indicate PROFIBUS
communication status.
CIM 200 has terminals for the Modbus connection.
DIP switches are used to select parity and stop bits, to
select transmission speed and to set line termination.
CIM 200 is a Grundfos
Two hexadecimal rotary switches are used to set the
communication interface
Modbus address.
module used for
Two LEDs are used to indicate the actual status of the
communication with a
CIM 200 communication.
Modbus RTU network.
One LED is used for indication of correct connection to the
pump, and the other is used to indicate Modbus
communication status.
CIM 250 has a SIM-card slot and an SMA connection to
the GSM antenna.
CIM 250 also has an internal backup battery. Two LEDs
CIM 250 is a Grundfos
are used to indicate the actual status of the CIM 250
communication interface
communication. One LED is used for indication of correct
module used for GSM/GPRS
connection to the pump, and the other is used to indicate
GSM/GPRS communication status.
CIM 250 is used to
Note: The SIM card is not supplied with CIM 250. The SIM
communicate via a GSM
card from the service provider must support data/fax
service to use call service from PC Tool or SCADA.
The SIM card from the service provider must support
GPRS service to use Ethernet service from PC Tool or