Long period switching off
In case of absence for long periods of time, set the mode selector
(3 - fi g. 1a) to
Then, close the gas tap present on the system. In this case, anti-frost
device is deactivated: empty the systems, in case of risk of frost.
4.4 Light signals and faults
The operating status of the boiler is shown on the digital display,
below is a list of the types of displays.
To restore operation (deactivate alarms):
Faults A 01-02-03
Position the function selector to
set it to the required position
mode). If the reset attempts do not reactivate the boiler, contact the
Technical Assistance Centre.
Fault A 04
In addition to the fault code, the digital display shows the symbol
Check the pressure value indicated by the water gauge:
if it is less than 0.3 bar, position the function selector to
and adjust the fi lling tap (L fi g. 13 for C.A.I. - C.S.I. - external for
R.S.I.) until the pressure reaches a value between 1 and 1.5 bar.
Then position the mode selector to the desired position
mer) or
If pressure drops are frequent, request the intervention of the Tech-
nical Assistance Service.
Fault A 06 (only C.A.I. - C.S.I.)
The boiler operates normally but cannot reliably maintain a con-
stant domestic hot water temperature, which remains set at around
50°C. Contact the Technical Assistance Centre.
Fault A 07
Contact the Technical Assistance Centre.
OFF status
ACF module lockout alarm
ACF electrical fault alarm
Limit thermostat alarm
Air pressure switch alarm (C.S.I. models)
Fumes thermostat (C.A.I. models)
H2O pressure switch alarm
NTC domestic water fault (R.S.I only with external
storage heater with probe)
NTC heating fault
Parasite fl ame
Electric calibration min and max heating
Transient awaiting ignition
Air pressure switch intervention (C.S.I. models)
Fumes thermostat intervention (C.A.I. models)
H2O pressure switch intervention
Preheating Function active (only C.S.I.)
Preheating heat request (only C.S.I.)
External probe present
Domestic water heat request
Heating heat request
Anti-freeze heat request
Flame present
4.5 Adjustments
The boiler has already been adjusted by the manufacturer.
If it is necessary to adjust it again, for example after extraordinary
maintenance, after replacement of gas valve or after gas conver-
sion, carry out the following procedure.
(OFF), wait 5-6 seconds then
(summer mode) or
fl ashing
fl ashing
fl ashing
fl ashing
The maximum output adjustment must be carried out in the
sequence indicated exclusively by qualifi ed personnel.
- remove the shell unscrewing the fi xing screws A (fi g. 6)
- unscrew by two turns the screw of the pressure test point down-
stream the gas valve and connecting the pressure gauge
- disconnect the compensation inlet of the air distribution box (only
C.S.I. and R.S.I. models)
4.5.1 Mynute S C.A.I. E - C.S.I.: Maximum power and min-
imum domestic hot water adjustment
- Fully open the hot water tap
- on the control panel:
- set the mode selector to
- turn the domestic hot water temperature selector to its maximum
(fi g. 8a)
- power the boiler setting the system main switch to "on"
- check that the pressure on the pressure gauge is stable; or with
a milliammeter in series to the modulator, make sure that the
modulator supplies the maximum available current (120 mA for
G20 and 165 mA for LPG).
- carefully prise out the protection cap of the adjustment screws,
using a screwdriver (fi g. 15)
- with a fork spanner CH10 use the adjustment nut of the maxi-
mum output in order to obtain the value indicated in table "Tech-
nical data"
- disconnect the modulator faston
- wait until the pressure on the pressure gauge is stable at mini-
mum value
- paying attention not to press the internal shaft, use an Allen
spanner to turn the red adjustment screw for domestic hot water
minimum temperature regulation, calibrating it until the pressure
gauge reads the value indicated in the table "Technical data"
- reconnect the modulator faston
- close the domestic hot water tap
- carefully refi t the protection cap of the adjustment screws.
Mynute S R.S.I.: Maximum and minimum power adjustment
- Set the function selector to
- Remove the housing and access the card
- Insert the jumpers JP1 and JP2
- Bring the trimmer P2 to the maximum value, using a screwdriver
(turn clockwise)
- Power the boiler setting the system main switch to "on"
- Check the pressure on the pressure gauge is stable; or, with a
milliammeter in series to the modulator, make sure the modula-
tor supplies the maximum available current (120 mA for G20 and
165 mA for LPG)
- Use a screwdriver to carefully prise out the protection cap of the
adjustment screws
- With a fork spanner CH10, use the adjustment nut of the maxi-
mum output in order to obtain the value indicated in the table
"Technical data"
- Disconnect the modulator faston
- Wait until the pressure on the pressure gauge is stable at mini-
mum value
- Use an Allen spanner to set the red adjustment screw at the mini-
mum output, calibrating it until the pressure gauge shows the
value indicated in the table "Technical data"
- Reconnect the modulator faston
- Disconnect the boiler from the power supply
- Remove the jumpers JP1 and JP2
- Carefully refi t the protection cap of the adjustment screws.
4.5.2 Minimum and maximum heating electric adjust-
The "electric adjustment" function is activated and deactivat-
ed exclusively by the jumper (JP1) (fi g. 16).
appears on the display to indicate that the calibration pro-
cedure is underway.
The function can be enabled in the following way:
- by powering the card with the jumper JP1 inserted and the mode
selector in winter position, independently from the possible pres-
ence of other operation request.
- by inserting the jumper JP1, with the mode selector in winter
Mynute S
(summer) (fi g. 2a)
(winter) (fi g. 2b)