warranty job. Any costs that occur in the event of a warranty claim
shall be settled directly between the authorised service partner and
the Manufacturer. The Warranty does not cover additional costs aris-
ing from complicated removal or installation jobs on the appliance
(e.g. dismantling of furnishings or parts of the vehicle body), and nei-
ther does it cover travel expenses incurred by the authorised service
partner or the Manufacturer.
No further-reaching claims shall be permitted, especially dam-
age claims presented by the Consumer or third parties. This shall
not affect the provisions of the German Product Liability Act
The voluntary manufacturer's warranty does not affect the Consum-
er's legally valid claims for defects against the seller in the relevant
country of purchase. In individual countries there may be warranties
that can be issued by the relevant dealer (official distributor, Truma
Partner). In such cases the warranty can be implemented directly
through the dealer from whom the Consumer bought the appliance.
The warranty regulations of the country in which the appliance was
purchased by the Consumer for the first time shall also be applicable.
2. Warranty exclusions
No warranty claim shall be applicable under the following
– Improper, unsuitable, faulty or negligent use and any use that is not
compliant with the intended purpose
– Improper installation, assembly or commissioning, contrary to op-
erating or installation instructions