IV.17. MODBUS/WEB/BACNET connection
(Refer to parameter settings in section V.8)
MODBUS RS485 and BACNET MS/TP: Use a shielded cable with twin twisted pairs, such as Belden 8723 or equivalent,
to connect the BMS to the controller (connect to port 1 (BANE)/ connect shielding to N and do not connect E)
WEB/MODBUS TCP/IP and BACNET IP: connect to the TCP/IP port
IV.18. Repeater connection
Refer to parameter settings in section V.8
A repeater must be used when you intend to connect:
More than one control panel to the same screen (maximum 6)
A remote control at a distance of more than 100m
In this case the remote control may be positioned at a maximum distance of 1 km. Connect the repeater and the controller
using a shielded cable with twin twisted pairs, such as Belden 8723 or equivalent. Connect a single-phase 230 V power
supply. Connect the wires to port 1 as follows:
B of the repeater to terminal B of the control panel (cable with shielded wire as shown in the diagram below)
A of the repeater to terminal A of the control panel (cable with shielded wire as shown in the diagram below)
N of the repeater to terminal N of the control panel (cable with shielded wire as shown in the diagram below)
Single-phase 230 V power supply to provided to the repeater.
IV.19. LON
Refer to parameter settings in section V.8
Wire port 2 of the master to port 1 of the LON controller
max 6 control units
100 meter
100 meter