Trouble shooting
All repair and service work must be carried out by qualified personnel using suitable tools and genuine spare parts.
The previous safety instructions must be observed.
Faults & Remedies
Downstream/Upstream leakage
Shaft leakage
Flange leakage
Over torque
No opening
No closing
Hard point
Vibration / Fluttering
Foreign particles in the valve
Broken body
Broken or warped disc
Damaged disc, corroded disc
Adjusting bottom screws
Broken shaft, twisted shaft
Worn out liner
Receding liner, damaged liner
Wrong flanging
Wrong flanging size
Wrong face to face,
non parallel flanges
Flow conditions
Wrong operating conditions
Damaged actuator
BOAX- -B Mat P
Pneumatic actuator
BOAX- -B Mat P
Pneumatic actuator
BOAX- -B Mat P
Pneumatic actuator
Actuator on safe position
- - Open the valve, line without fluid or flow, remove the particle
- - inspect liner/disc
- - replace liner/disc
Defect due to water hammer
Search for the reasons.
Replace / Repair the valve
Defect due to water hammer
Search the reasons. Replace / Repair the valve
Disc : check flanging dimensions and replace using the disc kit
Adjust bottom screws
Analyse the defect / research of causes / replace shaft
Replacement liner (liner kit)
If the liner is undamaged : separate the pipe flanges / remove valve /
put it back between the pipe flanges / check operations.
Check type and flange bolting torque
Follow instructions given in KSB technical leaflet
Flanging has to be modified in accordance with KSB technical leaflet
Check the technical offer versus service conditions
Check sizing versus operating conditions (see KSB)
Check the red air pressure
No correct adjustment of the closing adjusting screws
Please adjust in accordance with this document
Damaged actuator : change the actuator