Device options
General informa-
The device options allow the following to be configured:
Selecting device
options for oper-
ating modes
The following parameters can be configured to create an individual standard:
Charging lead length:
Selection of language for user guide
Graphic display contrast
Setting for the charging lead length
Factory setting
restores all device options to the factory settings
provides information on the
hardware and software version
total Ah charged
total operating time
Use the up/down keys to select the device options
CAUTION! Risk of damage when selecting and using individual charging lead
lengths. The user accepts full responsibility for shortening the charging leads sup-
plied and specifying the appropriate individual charging lead lengths. The manu-
facturer shall not be held liable for any damage arising from such actions.
CAUTION! Risk of damage from an incorrect cable cross-section. Only use
charging leads with a cross-section of 6 mm
1 m to 5 m, adjustable in 0.5 m stages
The following lengths may be requested in the scope of supply: 2.5 m / 5 m