Chorale 2 - Chorale P31
The contents of the HR are not retained when the organ is switched off.
Each combination (including HR and Tutti) is able to store:
the status (on/off) of the stops
the status of the couplers
the status of the tremulants (even with different modulation depths and speeds, if the specific
SET-UP menu function described in par. 7.8 is activated)
the style (Organ Style)
the MIDI controls (point 2) and the Program Changes set using the SEND PROGRAM
CHANGE function (par. 8.2)
Enclosed and Automatic Pedal (activating the specific function, see par. 7.8).
For the fixing combinations procedure, see point 1.
5. [A.P.] piston: this piston controls the status of the Automatic Pedal function used to play the stops of
the pedal board using the first 32 notes of Man.I.
In this case, the organ's pedal board is deactivated and the stops become monophonic, with priority to
the lowest note.
6. [ENC] piston: pressing this piston activates the Enclosed function used to control the organ's general
volume using the swell pedal [MAN. II].
When the Enclosed function is activated, the volumes of the first manual and pedal board are
immediately set in relation to the position of the [MAN. II] swell pedal. When the Enclosed function
is deactivated, the volumes of the above sections are immediately reset in relation to the position of
the [MAN. I / PEDAL] swell pedal.
7. [T] piston: piston used for switching the Tutti on and off.
The voice composition of the Tutti function is programmable. To set a new configuration, switch on
the stops and couplers of your choice, press [S], keep it pressed and then press the [T] piston.
8. [C] piston: Cancel piston, which switches off all the stops, tremulants, couplers and pistons on any
manual divisions active, then resets the HR.
Owner's Manual