Revolving Console
The Ottawa features a revolving console as a standard fea-
ture. To turn the Ottawa to the desired position, pull the lever
(A) to disengage the locking mechanism. The marking (B)
indicates the middle position for the installation.
The Ottawa has a maximum rotational angle of 160 degrees;
you can adjust the rotational angle in 15-degree increments.
fi g. 3
Always comply with the safety distances to
combustible and fl ammable materials!
The revolving function does not work
for stoves with rear-mounted fl ue pipes
If a fl oor plate is required, its size must match the rotating
range of the stove. Never turn stove when lighting fi re!
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Heat Retaining Block
Massive heat-retaining blocks made from magnetite are
located above the fi re box. These blocks absorb the heat
generated by the fi re and gradually emit cosy warmth into
the room. To heat up the room more quickly, you can also let
the warm air fl ow directly into the living room.
When you open the slider (A), the warm air fl ows into the
living room through the convection vents.
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