Chorum 10 Dlx – Chorum S10
User Manual
This tuning was created by Kellner, who figured out its
structure from the symbols on the first page of the
"Wohltemperierte Klavier" by Bach, 1722. The tuning
is based on five fifths, each reduced of 1/5 of
Pythagorean comma. This originates three Pythagorean
major thirds, on: C#, F#, G#. None of the thirds is
pure. The major third closer to being pure is on C.
Based on fifths reduced of 1/6 of syntonic comma.
Wolf fifth is located on G#. Thirds that in meantone
tuning are pure, here are 1/3 syntonic comma wider.
The wolf fifth is less prominent, not cacophonic yet not
completely acceptable.
Based on eleven pure Pythagorean fifths and a wolf
fifth on G#. This tuning can be used to play monodies,
and music that does not use thirds in general.
Most useful for curiosity and educational ends.
EN - 21