Directories and Confi guration fi les manager
} Click
to access the "SETTINGS" menu.
} Click
to access the Directories and Confi guration fi les manager.
Confi guration fi les manager
Save: Click this button to save the confi guration fi le to the Comelit USB key.
Load*: Click this button to load the confi guration fi le from the Comelit USB key.
Directories manager
Save: Click this button to save the directories to the Comelit USB key.
Load*: Click this button to load the directories from the Comelit USB key.
* Import procedures require the application to be restarted:
} Use the specifi c shutdown buttons to restart manually.
} Exit the current screen to shut down automatically (a countdown window will appear).
Next, re-open the software program.
Confi guration fi les and directories are saved automatically on Mac OS X systems. To
create a duplicate of the confi guration fi le and directories, copy the application from the
"Applications" folder on your system.
Software information
} Click
to access the "SETTINGS" menu.
} Click
to view the "Software information".
(Windows platforms only)