For disposal, please comply with your local or national regulations.
Split by metal, plastic, etc.
Packing material to be treated as described above (material split).
1. pilot lamp dim
check power supply and power cord
won't stir:
safety installation intervened, refer to display reading (refer to 5 „safety installations")
3. LED (A) illuminates red:
The mixer motor stops during the attempt to switch the device from area I to II or vice
versa during operation and the warning light (A) illuminates red. (Compare with 3.
"Speed setting")
4. When switching from area I to II or vice versa, switch gets stuck or is difficult to move: In or-
der to aid the process, it is advantageous to use a slight twisting motion on the chuck while
switching. After this, only operate the device if the indicator of the rotary switch is precisely in
position l or II (meaning not an intermediate position). (Compare with 3. "Speed setting")
In case of a malfunction and you cannot correct with above instructions, contact your authorized
Heidolph Instruments Dealer.