Then press MOBILE to make a mobile call if you have only one mobile phone connected to the
telephone base. if you have two mobile phones connected to the telephone base, the
telephone system prompts you to select a mobile phone before you make a mobile call.
To answer a mobile call:
Note: You can also use your mobile phone to answer the call. If you answer with your mobile
phone, it disconnects from the telephone base.
To end a mobile call:
Press OFF or put the handset in the telephone base or charger.
Answer a mobile call while on a home call
If you are on a home call and you receive an incoming mobile call, you hear a beep and
displays on the handset you are using. The telephone base and all other handsets ring.
To answer the incoming mobile call:
Press MOBILE on the handset. The home call is automatically placed on hold and all other
handsets display Home call on hold and Mobile line in use alternately.
To end the mobile call:
Press OFF on the handset. The home line is still on hold. All handsets display Home call on hold.
To resume the home call on hold:
Press HOME on the handset.
Answer a home call while on a mobile call
If you are on a mobile call and you receive an incoming Home call, you hear a beep and displays
on the handset you are using. The telephone base and all other handsets ring.
Press OFF on the handset. The mobile call is automatically placed on hold and all other handsets
display Mobile call on hold and Home line in use alternately.
To end the home call:
Press OFF on the handset. The mobile line is still on hold. All handsets display Mobile call on
To resume the mobile call on hold:
Press MOBILE on the handset.
If you have turned on your answering system and you do not answer the incoming home call,
the call is answered by your answering system.
If you make or answer a home call on a handset, you can transfer the call to your headset.
The handset remains active, but the handset earpiece and microphone are muted. If you hang
up the handset, the call will end.
Mobile phone voicemail
If you have voicemail service active on your mobile phone, and you do not answer the incoming
mobile call, the call will be answered by your mobile phone's voicemail. Contact your mobile
phone service provider for more information about voicemail service.
Call timer
Your handset will automatically time the duration of all external calls. The handset display shows
the call duration both during and for a few seconds after your call is terminated.
TX Bluetooth Guide