Always pull out the mains plug before
carrying out any work on the pump.
Check the rubber hose for mechanical
or chemical damage. A damaged or
kinked hose must be replaced.
The mobile Simer submersible pump can
be used at water levels of just 5 mm for:
- draining (roof areas, patios or pud-
dles on sports courts, for example)
- emptying (flooded cellars, swimming
pools, garden ponds etc.)
- removing (wastewater from core-
hole drilling and concrete cutting).
The water is pumped down to a residual
level of just 2 mm.
ATTENTION! The Simer pump is not suit-
able for pumping saline media or water
from fish ponds.
When using the pumps, the relevant
national laws, regulations and stipula-
tions must be adhered to, for exam-
ple: Installation of low voltage systems
(e.g., VDE 0100 in Germany)
For non-standard utilization conditions,
further regulations must be observed
(e.g. VDE 0100 in Germany, part 701:
bathrooms and shower rooms; part 702:
swimming pools and fountains and part
737: outdoor use).
The pumped medium must have a tem-
perature of max 60°C.
The submersible pump is frost-resistant
down to -20°C when stored in dry condi-
tions. When used, however, it must not be
allowed to freeze in the water.
The pump must always be lifted
by the handle and never by the
power supply cable! The pump
should only be lowered using a rope or
The relevant standards (such as EN
standards), country-specific regulations
(such as VDE in Germany), and the regu-
lations of the local power supply compa-
nies must be observed.
ATTENTION! Never put the mains plug or
a free lead end in water! If water gets into
the plug, this can cause malfunctions and
Observe the operating voltage (see the
type plate)!
The pump is provided with a winding
thermostat. In case of unacceptably high
temperatures it switches off the pump to
protect it against possible damage. Unac-
ceptably high temperatures may result
e.g. from dry running or mechanical or
electrical overload.
The pump is switched on again
automatically after cooling down
- risk of injury! Therefore, always
disconnect the pump from the power sup-
ply before removing the cause of the mal-
function! To do this, pull the mains plug
out of the socket!
ATTENTION! Connecting the pump per-
manently to the building's drainage sys-
tem or using it to protect against back-
flow is not permitted.
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