Become trained and read the instructions and labels before working on machine.
Connect Green Or Green/Yellow grounding conductor to ground terminal first.
Connect input conductors (L1, L2, L3) to line terminals.
Keep your head out of the fumes
= < 60
= < 60
Symboles et définitions divers
Courant alternatif
Sous tension
Tension d'entrée
3-1. Miscellaneous Symbols And Definitions
Wear dry insulating gloves. Do not touch electrode (wire) with bare hand. Do not wear wet or damaged gloves.
Terre de protection
Connexion de ligne
OM-243477 Page 8
Connect input conductors (U/L1, V/L2, W/L3) to line terminals.
Une liste complète de pièces détachées est disponible sur www.MillerWelds.com
Connect Green Or Green/Yellow grounding conductor to ground terminal first.
Connect input conductors (L1, L2, L3) to line terminals.
Environmental Protection Use Period (China)
Feed wire between guide pins into drive rolls.
A complete Parts List is available at www.MillerWelds.com
Use lifting eye to lift unit and properly installed units only.
Raccorder le fil vert ou vert et jaune de mise à la terre à la borne terre
Use a proper cart to move unit.
de l'alimentation en premier. Raccorder les conducteurs d'entrée (L1,
L2, L3) aux bornes de phases.
Wear hat and safety glasses. Use ear protection and button shirt
collar. Use welding helmet with correct shade of filter. Wear comple
Période d'utilisation pour protection de l'environnement (Chine)
body protection.
Porter une casquette et des lunettes de sécurité. Porter des protège-
Wear hat and safety glasses. Use ear protection and button shirt
Wear hat and safety glasses. Use ear protection and button shirt
oreilles et un col de chemise à boutons. Porter un casque de soudage
collar. Use welding helmet with correct shade of filter. Wear complete
collar. Use welding helmet with correct shade of filter. Wear comple
équipé d'un verre de protection de teinte appropriée. Utiliser une pro-
body protection.
body protection.
tection totale pour le corps.
Hazardous voltage remains on input capacitors after power is turned
Become trained and read the instructions before working on the
Wear hat and safety glasses. Use ear protection and button shirt
off. Do not touch fully charged capacitors. Always wait
Become trained and read the instructions before working on the
Recevoir une formation convenable et lire les instructions avant de
machine or welding.
collar. Use welding helmet with correct shade of filter. Wear complete
after power is turned off before working on unit, AND check input ca-
machine or welding.
procéder au soudage ou aux interventions exécutées sur le poste.
body protection.
pacitor voltage, and be sure it is near 0 before touching any parts.
Hazardous voltage remains on input capacitors after power is turned
Les condensateurs d'alimentation conservent une tension dange-
Become trained and read the instructions before working on the
Become trained and read the instructions before working on the
off. Do not touch fully charged capacitors. Always wait
Become trained and read the instructions before working on the
reuse après coupure de l'alimentation. Ne pas toucher des condensa-
Hazardous voltage remains on input capacitors after power is turned
machine or cutting.
machine or cutting.
after power is turned off before working on unit, AND check input ca-
machine or welding.
teurs encore chargés. Attendre toujours 5 minutes après coupure de
off. Do not touch fully charged capacitors. Always wait
pacitor voltage, and be sure it is near 0 before touching any parts.
l'alimentation avant toute intervention sur l'appareil ET vérifier la ten-
power is turned off before working on unit, AND check input capacitor
sion du condensateur d'alimentation et s'assurer qu'elle est proche
voltage, and be sure it is near 0 before touching any parts.
de 0 avant de toucher des pièces de l'appareil.
Become trained and read the instructions before working on the
Hazardous voltage remains on input capacitors after power is turned
Always lift and support unit using both handles. Keep angle of lifting
machine or cutting.
Remove unit from shipping crate. Remove Owner's Manual from unit.
off. Do not touch fully charged capacitors. Always wait
Toujours soulever et soutenir l'appareil en utilisant les deux poignées.
device less than 60 degrees.
Follow instructions to install muffler.
power is turned off before working on unit, AND check input capacitor
Ne pas dépasser un angle de levage de 60 degrés. Utiliser un chariot
Use a proper cart to move unit.
voltage, and be sure it is near 0 before touching any parts.
approprié pour déplacer l'appareil.
Always lift and support unit using both handles. Keep angle of lifting
Every 100 hours, check and clean filter and check condition of hoses.
device less than 60 degrees.
Engine fuel plus flames or sparks can cause fire.
Use a proper cart to move unit.
Convertisseur trans-
formateur redres-
seur de fréquence
statique triphasé
During the first 50 hours of operation keep welding load above 200
amperes. Do not weld below 200 amperes of output.
Engine fuel plus flames or sparks can cause fire.
Remove unit from shipping crate. Remove Owner's Manual from unit.
Facteur de marche
Follow instructions to install muffler.
Pour cent
Remove unit from shipping crate. Remove Owner's Manual from unit.
After the first 50 hours of operation, change the engine oil and filter.
Follow instructions to install muffler.
Read Owner's Manual. Read labels on unit.
Move jumper links as shown on inside label to match input voltage at
Read Owner's Manual. Read labels on unit.
job site. Include extra length in grounding conductor and connect
Lift-Arc (TIG)
grounding conductor first. Connect line input conductors as shown on
inside label. Double-check all connections, jumper link positions, and
input voltage before applying power.
Type de gaz
Three Phase
Move jumper links as shown on inside label to match input voltage at
job site. Include extra length in grounding conductor and connect
grounding conductor first. Connect line input conductors as shown on
inside label. Double-check all connections, jumper link positions, and
Plugged filter or hoses can cause overheating to the power source
input voltage before applying power.
A distance
and torch.
Become trained and read the instructions before working on the
Foot Control
machine or welding.
Single Phase
Plugged filter or hoses can cause overheating to the power source
and torch.
Every 100 hours, check and clean filter and check condition of hoses.
Safe34 2012 05
Safe35 2012 05
Safe36 2012 05
Safe38 2012 05
Safe7 2017 04
60 seconds
Safe39 2012 05
Safe40 2012 05
Safe42 2017 04
60 seconds
5 minutes
Safe41 2012 05
Safe40 2012 05
Safe42 2017 04
Safe43 2017 04
5 minutes
Safe41 2012 05
Safe46 2012 05
Safe43 2017 04
Safe44 2012 05
Safe51 2012 05
Safe44 2012 05
Borne de sortie né-
Safe45 2012 05
gative de soudage
Safe54 2017 04
Safe45 2012 05
Safe46 2012 05
Commande au pied
Safe46 2012 05
Soudage MIG/MAG
Safe55 2012 05
Safe47 2012 05
Tension de charge
Safe47 2012 05
Courant de soudage
Safe49 2012 05
Safe57 2017 04
Safe49 2012 05
Safe50 2012 05
Safe65 2012 06
Shielded Metal
Safe121 2016
Safe35 201
Safe36 201
Safe122 2016
Safe123 2016
Safe38 201
Safe124 2017
Safe39 201
Safe40 201
Safe41 201