H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
It has to be ensured that the voltage of the power source the
machine is connected to corresponds to its rated voltage.
After the machine was switched on, Display 1 appears.
The machine will then automatically start the auto-test process to
check the sensors and the system clock and to determine the number
of free welding reports. This test can be bypassed by holding down
the STOP/RESET key when Display 1 is showing.
If during the auto-test an error is detected, a "System Error"
message shows on the display. When this happens, the weld-
ing unit has to be disconnected immediately from the power
suppy and heating element/facing tool, and it has to be re-
turned to the manufacturer for repair.
Subsequent to a successful auto-test or after the test was bypassed,
the machine first shows on the currently selected welding standard,
then Display 3.
Display 3 shows the the data of the next welding, including time of
day, date, report number, and joint number, along with, in the second-
to-last line, the actual input voltage and — if the cable of the heating
element for butt welding is connected, i. e., generally yes — the actual
and nominal heating element temperature before and after the slash.
From Display 3, it is possible to access the Configuration Menu in which
the default behavior of the welding machine can be configured. To
access it, press the MENU key and then, on the following enter code
screen, type the access code using the cursor keys.
Pressing the ñ and ò cursor keys in the menu that appears (Display 4),
you can select a menu option, then access the selected sub-menu by
pressing the MENU key again.
The Sensor Parameters sub-menu, used to calibrate the pressure and
the temperature sensors, should be accessed by authorized staff only
and is, therefore, protected by another access code disclosed only to
such personnel as is allowed to manage these settings.
4.1.1 Setting the Default Configuration of the Machine
In the sub-menus of the Configuration Menu, at "Settings," the pa-
rameters related to the welding unit itself and its operation can be
set. At "Recording," the traceability data that have to or need not be
recorded and written into the reports can be enabled or disabled. The
desired sub-menu is selected using the ñ and ò arrow keys. Then to
access that sub-menu, press the MENU key.
In both parts of the configuration menu, use the ñ and ò arrow keys
to select the desired set-up option. Use the ð arrow key to toggle
between "on" and "off" for that set-up option.
If a "M" is shown next to a set-up option, this indicates that a sub-
menu is accessible here by pressing the MENU key.
On both menu levels (Configuration Menu and its respective
sub-menus), press the START/SET key to save the settings to
memory or press the STOP/RESET key to return to the previ-
ous menu level without saving possible changes.
Version January 2020
HÜRNER HWT 400–WeldControl User's Manual
HWT 400-W
Display 1
Welding Standard
Display 2
Next welding
Rep. No. 00072/00002
Display 3
Sensor Parameter-M-
Display 4