SurgiQuest AirSeal® Blunt
Tip Obturator (hereafter
referred to as Blunt Tip Obtu-
SurgiQuest AirSeal® Cannula
(here after referred to as
AirSeal® Cannula)
AirSeal® Access Port and Low
Profile Obturator with Blade-
less Optical Tip
After pressing the operating mode key, an informational window opens for the
required tube (only for AirSeal and Smoke Evacuation Mode). Insert the tube set
by positioning the filter canister into the AirSeal® i.F.S. and pulling down the lever
(AirSeal and Smoke Evacuation Mode) or by pushing the open side of the tube set
over the barbed connector (Standard Insufflation Mode).
Starting/Stopping Insufflation
Start insufflation:
Press START to start insufflation.
Activated insufflation:
The status line depicts Initial Insufflation. The Initial Insufflation phase remains
in operation until the set nominal pressure has been reached through the insuf-
flation for the first time.
For the safety of the patient please fill the tube set with CO
ning the insufflation by activating the insufflation for a few seconds and then
turning it off again before introducing the insufflation instrument to the abdo-
men and beginning the surgery.
Stop insufflation:
Press STOP to stop insufflation.
Switch Device Off
Use the ON/OFF switch to turn the device off.
gas prior to begin-
Operating the Device