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Fisher-Price 79386 Mode D'emploi page 10


• Aperte o parafuso com uma chave de fenda Phillips. Não
aperte demais.
Agora a montagem está pronta.
e Battery Installation
f Installation des piles
S Instalación de las pilas
P Instalação das pilhas
e Battery
f Compartiment
des piles
S Compartimento
de pilas
P Compartimento
das pilhas
e • Using a coin, press the tab on the battery compartment
door and remove it.
• Insert three size "D" (LR20) alkaline batteries, as indicated
inside the battery compartment.
• Replace the battery compartment door.
Helpful Hint: If the swinging motion becomes noticeably
slower, remove the batteries and replace them with three,
new size "D" (LR20) alkaline batteries. Dispose of exhaust-
ed batteries properly.
f • Avec une pièce de monnaie, appuyer sur la languette du
couvercle du compartiment des piles et enlever le couvercle.
• Insérer trois piles alcalines D (LR20), comme indiqué dans
le compartiment.
1.5V x 3
"D" (LR20)
e Battery
f Couvercle
S Tapa del
de pilas
P Tampa do
das pilhas
• Remettre le couvercle en place.
Conseil pratique : Si le mouvement de balancier ralentit
considérablement, remplacer les trois piles par des piles
alcalines D (LR20) neuves. Disposer des piles usées de
façon adéquate.
S • Oprima la lengüeta de la tapa del compartimento de pilas
con una moneda y quítela.
• Introduzca tres pilas alcalinas "D" (LR20), como se indica
en el interior del compartimento de pilas.
• Tape el compartimento de pilas.
Consejo útil: Si el movimiento del columpio se vuelve
demasiado lento, cambie las pilas por tres pilas alcalinas
"D" (LR20) nuevas. Deseche las pilas gastadas.
P • Com uma moeda, pressione a lingueta da tampa do com-
partimento de pilhas e remova-a.
• Insira três pilhas alcalinas tamanho "D" (LR20), conforme
indicado dentro do compartimento.
• Recoloque a tampa no compartimento.
Dica útil: se o movimento de balanço se tornar visivel-
mente lento, remova as pilhas e substitu-as com três pilhas
novas tamanho "D" (LR20). Jogue as pilhas usadas em
local apropriado.
e Battery Tips
• Do not mix old and new batteries.
• Do not mix different types of batteries: alkaline, standard
(carbon-zinc) or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium).
• Remove the batteries during long periods of non-use.
Always remove exhausted batteries from this product.
Battery leakage and corrosion can damage this product.
• Never short-circuit the battery terminals.
• Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged.
• Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as
recommended in the battery installation instructions are to
be used.
• If removable rechargeable batteries are used, they are
only to be charged under adult supervision.
• Rechargeable batteries are to be removed from the
product before they are charged.
• If you use a battery charger, it should be examined regu-
larly for damage to the cord, plug, enclosure and other
parts. Do not use a damaged battery charger until it has
been properly repaired.
f Conseils relatifs aux piles
• Ne pas combiner des piles usées et neuves.
• Ne pas combiner des piles alcalines, standard (carbone-
zinc) ou rechargeables (nickel-cadmium).
• Enlever les piles si l'appareil n'est pas utilisé pendant une
longue période. Toujours enlever les piles lorsqu'elles sont
à plat. Des piles qui fuient peuvent causer de la corrosion
et endommager l'appareil.
• Ne jamais court-circuiter les bornes des piles.



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