Other important details
Effi cient and smooth 2-phase speed system
The OMEGA 7 is equipped with a variable transfer speed system that
enables shortening or lengthening of the speed bar extension range
and pressure to suit the user's anatomical position: smooth, triple
transfer as long as the legs remain bent, and effi cient, double transfer
with outstretched legs.
Specially coated lines
With a more compact weave and an additional coating of the sepa-
rate twines, it has proved possible to increase the UV-resistance as
well as the abrasion resistance on the Liros competition lines signi-
fi cantly. At the loops in the cascades, the lines are sheathed, giving
them less surface pressure.
Smart Sail System
Since the beginning of ADVANCE, the direction of the ripstop in the
leading edge area has been inserted to take into account the different
loads on the canopy, in order to avoid a diagonal distorsion of the
fabric. With the OMEGA 7, ADVANCE is introducing an exclusive new
fabric developed in close collaboration with Porcher Sport for this
heavily stressed area. With a special impregnation, this fabric offers a
much longer life with no increase in weight.
ADVANCE Innovations & Quality
ADVANCE pays great attention to small details. Sewn-in compression
and Mylar straps increase the canopy stability, partially closed cells
increase the internal pressure and the winglets decrease the induced
drag (vortex effect). Velcro closures on the wing tips make it easier
to remove sand, snow and debris from the glider. Like all ADVANCE
models, the OMEGA 7 incorporates a swivel on the steering lines and
different brake handles with magnetic clips, depending on the cano-
py size. The many small but important details like these add the fi n-
ishing touch to the product.