100 kHz for example is fed into channel A from the built-in signal
generator and 10 KHz into channel B, then a "time interval" of 100
µs results.
1. Switch the measuring instrument and the frequency counter on.
2. Press the A=>B button.
3. Connect two test leads with intact BNC plugs to the channel A and
channel B BNC sockets.
4. Read the measured value in the LED display.
h) Measurement of channel A minus channel B
1. Switch the measuring instrument and the counter on.
2. Press the A-B button.
3. Connect two screened signal leads (or test leads) with intact BNC
plugs to channel A and channel B BNC sockets.
4. Read the result of A minus B in the display.
i) Presentation of channel A plus channel B (A+B)
1. Switch the measuring instrument and the counter on.
2. Press the A+B button.
3. Connect two screened signal leads with intact (= undamaged) BNC
plugs to channel A and channel B BNC sockets.
4. Read the result of channel A + channel B in the display.
k) Pulse counter operation = addition of single pulses (TTL) or square
wave signals
1. Switch the measuring instrument MS-9160 and the frequency coun-
ter on.
2. Press the TOT button once, firstly to select the pulse counting ope-
rating mode and secondly to initialise = reset the counter.
3. Connect a screened signal lead with intact BNC plug to channel A
or channel B BNC socket.
4. If the input level is greater than 300 m V rms, press the ATTEN but-
ton, firstly to attentuate the signal by a factor of 20 and secondly
to reduce the possibility of measurement errors.
5. When the pulse-counting operation is completed, press the HOLD
button to "freeze" the display before reading the displayed count.
l) Frequency counter signal input sensitivity
Channel A and B:
100 kHz
60 MHz
60 MHz
70 MHz
< 20 mV rms
30 mV rms
70 MHz
80 MHz
80 MHz
100 MHz
Channel C:
100 MHz
1,3 GHz
5.2 The function generator
Function generator (FG) operation
1. VCF input socket
2. FG output socket
3. TTL level output
10. SWEEP speed control
4. Amplitude control knob
11. Connection impedance switch
5. Waveform switch
12. Frequency adjustment with scale
6. OFFSET control knob
13. Display counter/generator switch
7. Symmetry control knob
Before switching the instrument on, check that both the position of the
AC power voltage selection switch and the AC power fuse are correct.
Ensure that the correct AC power switch on the rear of the case is used
to switch on function generator. So that the generator functions com-
pletely accurately a warm up time of approx. 30 minutes is required.
50 mV rms
70 mV rms
< 25 mV rms
8. Switch for frequency range
9. SWEEP (band)width control