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Deca WELD TIG200 Manuel D'instructions page 8


Installing the protective gas cylinder** and pressure
Place the protective gas cylinder in an upright position, far away from the welding area.
Use the welding machine support or some other fixed part so that there is no risk of it
falling or being damaged.
For installation, follow the instructions in Fig. 6.
Non-refillable cylinders are equipped with a pin valve that opens automatically when
the pressure reducer is screwed onto the cylinder.
** (This component may not be included with some models).
Welding process: description of controls and signals
Once you have put the welding machine into operation, switch it on and carry out the
required adjustments.
D) Welding current adjustment
Select the welding current depending on the electrode, the joint and the welding position.
Indicatively, the currents to be used with the different electrode diameters are listed in
Fig. 4.
E) HOT START (MMA) and SLOPE DOWN (TIG) adjustment
MMA process: adjust the percent increase (0 – 100%) of the value of the initial peak
current for an easier arc striking
TIG process: adjust the "SLOPE DOWN" time for the welding current to reach the final
value (10% of the welding current, 5A min) before the arc extinguishes; this helps reducing
the depth of the crater which is normally produced when the weld is terminated.
F) MMA, TIG LIFT, TIG HF selector
Press it to select the desired welding process:
MMA -LED F1 illuminated-: welding with coated electrode.
TIG LIFT -LED F2 illuminated-:TIG welding with LIFT ARC striking
TIG HF -LED F3 illuminated-: TIG welding with high frequency arc striking
To strike the welding arc with the coated electrode, brush it onto the piece to be
welded and as soon as the arc is struck, hold it constantly at a distance equal to the
electrode diameter and at an angle of approximately 20 - 30 degrees in the direction
in which you are welding.
To strike the welding arc with the TIG torch in TIG LIFT mode, make sure that the
protection gas valve is open.Keep the electrode in contact with the workpiece, press
the torch trigger and lift the tip of the electrode from the workpiece.
To strike the welding arc in TIG HF mode, make sure that the protection gas valve
is open. Stay with the electrode tip at a distance of 5mm from the workpiece and
press the torch trigger: the arc will strike without need for the electrode to touch the
G) TIG 2T / TIG 4T selector
2T (manual): press and keep the torch trigger pressed to weld, the weld will stop as
soon as the button is released
4T (automatic): press and release the torch trigger to start welding, the weld will last
until the trigger is pressed and released once again.
H1) Remote (Foot pedal) control connection pilot lamp
It illuminates when an optional remote (foot pedal) control is connected at the machine
H2) Thermal cutout signal
The warning light switched on means that the thermal protection is running.
If the duty cycle "X" shown on the data plate is exceeded, a thermal cutout stops the
machine before any damage is caused. Wait for operation to be resumed and, if possible,
wait a few minutes more.
If the thermal cutout continues to cut in, the welding machine is being pushed beyond its
normal performance levels.
H3) Fault indicator lamp
Red LED flashing (TIG only): indicates that the machine was switched on (or the thermal
protector has reset) with the torch trigger kept pressed: release the trigger to restart
Red fixed LED on: microprocessor error, switch off the welding machine then switch it
back on again. If, after doing so, the welding machine continues to show an error, take it
to an assistance centre for a check-up.
I) STAND BY/ON switch button
Press it to switch ON or put in STAND BY the machine.
I1: mains voltage pilot lamp
Green LED intermittent (slow): indicates that the machine is connected to mains, in
STAND BY mode.
Green LED permanently illuminated: indicates that the machine is connected to mains
and switched "ON".
Green LED intermittent (fast) indicates that a momentary mains interruption has
Other functions
The following are pre-set functions:
Arc Force (MMA): if during the weld the arc voltage is too low, the welding current is
increased by 30% to prevent the electrode from sticking into the workpiece
Anti-sticking (MMA): in case the electrode has stuck to the workpiece, in a few seconds
the output current is reduced at a minimum. In this way the electrode will not overheat and
will be easily removed.
Pre-Gas (TIG): preset at 0.2sec
Post-gas (TIG): is automatically adjusted by the internal microprocessor between 5 -
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20sec, according to the value of the welding current and duration of the weld
Bi-level (TIG 4T): once the selected welding current has raised up to its full value, a quick
touch at the torch trigger will decrease the welding current by 50%; a further quick touch
and the current will increase to its full value. To stop welding the trigger should be kept
pressed longer than 0.5sec
Initial current (I start):
as the torch trigger is pressed the weld will start with an initial value, pre-set at 50% of the
selected welding current, and will increase up to its full value in 0.1sec.
Final current:
You can adjust them only using an optional TIG PULSE remote control.
Only use an extension lead when absolutely necessary and providing it has an equal or
larger section to the power cable and is fitted with a grounding conductor.
Do not block the welder air intakes. Do not store the welder in containers or on shelving
that does not guarantee suitable ventilation.
Do not use the welder in any environment in the presence of gas, vapours, conductive
powders (e.g. iron shavings), brackish air, caustic fumes or other agents that could
damage the metal parts and electrical insulation.
Switch off the welder and remove the plug from the power socket before carrying out any
maintenance operations.
Extraordinary maintenance to be carried out by expert staff or qualified electrical
mechanics periodically depending on use.
• Inspect the inside of the welder and remove any dust deposited on the electrical parts
(using compressed air) and the electronic cards (using a very soft brush and appropriate
cleaning products). • Check that the electrical connections are tight and that the insulation
on the wiring is not damaged.
Lire attentivement ce manuel d'instructions avant d'utiliser la soudeuse.
Les appareils de soudage à l'arc avec électrode enrobée MMA et TIG, ci-dessous appelés
"soudeuse", ont été conçus pour un usage industriel et professionnel.
S'assurer que la soudeuse est installée et réparée par des personnes qualifiées,
conformément aux lois et aux normes de prévention des accidents.
S'assurer que l'opérateur est instruit sur l'utilisation et les risques liés au procédé de
soudage à l'arc, ainsi que sur les mesures de protection et les procédures d'urgence
Pour plus d'informations, consulter la brochure "Installation et utilisation des appareils de
soudage à l'arc" : IEC ou CLC/TS 62081.
S'assurer que la prise d'alimentation à laquelle est branchée la soudeuse est protégée
par des dispositifs de sécurité (fusibles ou interrupteur automatique) et que la mise à
la terre a été effectuée.
S'assurer que la fiche et le câble d'alimentation sont en bon état.
S'assurer que la soudeuse est éteinte avant de brancher la fiche dans la prise
Éteindre la soudeuse et débrancher la fiche de la prise d'alimentation dès que l'opération
est terminée.
Éteindre la soudeuse et débrancher la fiche de la prise d'alimentation avant de brancher
les câbles de soudage, installer le fil continu, remplacer des pièces de la torche ou du
dévidoir, effectuer les opérations d'entretien, déplacer la soudeuse (utiliser la poignée
qui se trouve sur cette dernière).
Les parties sous tension électrique ne doivent pas entrer en contact avec la peau nue ou
des vêtements mouillés. S'isoler électriquement de l'électrode, de la pièce à souder et de
toutes parties métalliques accessibles mises à la terre. Utiliser des gants, chaussures,
vêtements spécifiques et des tapis isolants secs et ininflammables.
Utiliser la soudeuse dans un local sec et aéré. Ne pas exposer la soudeuse à la pluie
et au soleil battant.
N'utiliser la soudeuse que lorsque tous les panneaux et écrans sont à leur place et
correctement montés.
Ne pas utiliser la soudeuse après l'avoir fait tomber ou l'avoir heurtée car elle pourrait
ne plus être fiable. La faire contrôler par une personne experte ou qualifiée.
TIG 4T: as the torch trigger is pressed the weld will start with an initial value, pre-set
at 50% of the selected welding current; the initial value is maintained until the torch
trigger is released and will then increase up to its full value in 0.1sec. Slope-Up time
(TIG): preset at 0,1sec
TIG 2T: as the torch trigger is released to stop welding, the current will drop to its final
value (10% of the full value) in the selected SLOPE DOWN time and will then stop.
TIG 4T: to stop welding press and keep the torch trigger pressed; the current will drop
to its final value (10% of the full value) in the selected SLOPE DOWN time, weld will
stop as the torch trigger is released.
Recommendations for use
The electric parts of the welder have been treated with protective resins. When used for
the first time, smoke may be noticed; this is caused by the resin drying out completely.
The smoke should only last for a few minutes.
Manuel d'instruction
Avertissements de sécurité

