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Luoman Lillevilla 228 Instructions De Montage page 29


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6.1. Gable triangles consisting of several parts or separate logs
Gable triangles of some models consist of several parts or separate logs (please see the drawings of wall
construction). Install the gable triangles following the drawings and fasten the parts to each with 100 mm nails
(embed ends of the nails 1-2 mm into the wood).
7. Floor
These instructions are for houses including floor boards and foundation beams: Floorings have been planed to
profile. They have tongue-and-groove joints and back side is with bevellings and two furrows. It's normal that the
back side has wane on it. It's not a defect but belongs to the product.
Begin assembling with setting the first flooring bevellings and furrows downwards on the foundation beams and
the groove joint towards the wall (leave about 5 mm space between the wall and the flooring). Mark with pencil
the midpoints of foundation beams to the bottom of the wall log. It makes easier to find the nailing line. Put the
floorings to their place. Note! Floorings are living along moisture of air, so please leave a little space of 1-1,5 mm
between each board. If needed, you can saw the last flooring narrower for easy assembly.
When the floorings are set onto their place, follow the notes you made on the walls and nail the floorings to the
foundation timber (
drawing 4
). Using of line thread or board might help. Fasten the skirting boards and protect
the floor immediately so that it won't get dirty.
8. Roof
8.1. Installing the roof boards
Before proceeding to the roof stage, make sure that the walls and the whole building are horizontal and straight
and the doors and windows are working properly. If the threaded rods are included, they must be installed before
the roof boards.
Roof boards have lightly rounded edges on the front and visible side (assembly downwards) and bevellings and
furrows on the back, invisible side (assembly upwards).
The back side has usually wane on it. It's not a defect but belongs to the product, as well as to the floorings.
Work very carefully! Begin nailing of the roof from front. Set the first boards on both sides of the roof and make sure
that they won't exceed the ridge purlin. Nail the boards both to the side walls and to the purlins and ridge purlings.
Make one side ready at first. Leave 1-1,5 mm space between each roof board to allow them to live pursuant to the
moisture. Follow that the eaves will keep straight line and that the middle line of ridge purlin won't be exceeded.
drawing 11
Check the size of the last roof board and saw the excessive part away (
). If bottom line of the eaves is
not straight, saw it such. Next nail another side of the roof. When the roof boards are fastened, fix the fascia
boards according to
drawing 12
If the delivery includes roof boards of two different lengths, install the long one first beginning from front wall and
then short and longer ones by turns.
8.2. Cover material for roof
Cover material for roof must be installed immediately whether is included or not. If it's excluded, temporary
protection is needed while. Only light materials like bitumen shingles suit to the purpose.
General instructions for building up the Lillevilla kierret_palah+reunak_050707
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