SAVED Workouts
In this screen the user shall be able to select from a list of previously saved workouts. The
workout profile, goal, and control method (i.e. Manual – Constant Torque or Auto – Contant
Power) are stored for each saved workout. The screen below shows an example of a list of
saved workouts for the currently selected user. Note that the provided list is tied to the
selected user and since there are four users provided on a given product, four separate lists
shall be stored in the console's memory. The user can scroll through the list by swiping the
list up or down or by using the up/down arrow buttons on the right side of the list. To make
a selection simply tap the desired item and then that workout will load from memory and the
workout shall automatically begin and the system shall transition to PROGRAM MODE. See
the PROGRAM MODE Section below for more details.
Deleting Saved Workouts
To delete a previously saved workout, tap and hold the desired workout in the list for approx-
imately 3 seconds. Once deleted, the workout will be removed from the saved workout list.
To return to the previous screen, simply press the BACK button.