For products purchased from an authorized dealer, contact the point of sale directly for return instructions. For products purchased
directly from MOS, follow these steps:
Write to us at
a. Your full name and contact information.
b. Your order number and a proof of purchase (original invoice or delivery note).
c. The reason for your request for exchange or refund.
d. A photo to support your claim if necessary.
If the product must be returned, follow these steps:
a. Clean and return the MOS product in its original packaging.
b. Make sure the product has not been used or is in new condition.
c. Include the copy of proof of purchase (original invoice or delivery note) in the return box.
d. Include the user's guide, parts, and all documents received with the product.
e. If you have the product delivered by a carrier, affix the shipping label to the return box.
f. Bring the product to the drop-off location or have it delivered with the required documentation at the original point of sale.
Requests may take up to ten (10) business days to process. Once your refund request is processed and accepted by our customer service
department, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to return your product.
Once the product is received and verified by MOS, customer service will ensure that the product is in new condition. If so, you will receive
your refund through your credit card issuer within ten (10) business days.
Inspectez toujours les produits dès leur réception et contactez immédiatement le service à la clientèle du point de vente en cas
d'erreur sur la commande, de défauts, ou de bris. Référez-vous à notre politique de garantie et le guide d'utilisateur pour évaluer le
Ne jamais installer ou utiliser un produit défectueux ou brisé.
Always inspect the products upon receipt and contact the customer service department at the point of purchase immediately if there
are any errors on the order, defects, or breakage. Refer to our warranty policy and user guide to assess the problem.
Never install or use a defective or broken product.
Malheureusement, nous n'acceptons pas les retours des produits suivants :
Carte cadeau et carte promotionnelle;
Items en rabais;
Pièces de rechange non couvertes par la garantie.
Pour toute question concernant le remboursement, n'hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous par courriel à l'adresse
Unfortunately, we do not accept returns on the following products:
Gift and promotional cards.
Discounted items.
Replacement parts not covered by the warranty.
If you have any questions regarding the refund, please feel free to contact us by email at support@mosracks.com.
and send us the following information: