FE) (high eight)
video system
¢ FUE recording or playback
can only be done using a
HIE} tape.
You cannot make Fil
format recordings on
standard E] tapes.
You can only playback tapes
recorded in NTSC color
Both Pi} and standard & cassette tapes can be used with this VCR.
Refer to the charts below for the compatibility between the FEI video
system and the standard HI system.
When playing a tape
This VCR automatically detects the type of tape being played, either
FE} or standard &. This VCR also automatically detects the tape speed
(either SP or LP) the tape was recorded in.
Tape type
Recording format
Playback format
HIE (high eight)
HIE (high eight)
HIE tape
&i (standard 8 mm)
E} (standard 8 mm)
Standard EI tape
& (standard 8 mm)
(standard 8 mm)
When recording on a tape
When recording, this VCR automatically detects the type of tape, either
HUE} or standard Bh.
Tape type
Recording format
HIEl tape
HIB (high eight)
Standard EI tape
EF] (standard 8 mm)
Saving a recording
Video tapes have a safety tab to protect against accidental recording. To
prevent accidental erasure of a recording, slide out the tab on the
cassette so that the red portion is visible. A tape with its safety tab in'
this position is ejected if you try to record on it.
To record on a tape, slide the tab so that the red portion is not visible.
Write enabled
Write protected