: Fitting the longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) to ramming profiles (MSP-HDG-RP, 1)
1. Fit the longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) onto the ramming pro-
files (MSP-HDG-RP, 1).
2. Insert a threaded bolt (MSP-HDG M12×130, 12) through the ramming profile
(MSP-HDG-RP, 1) and the longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) from
the rear.
3. Fit a toothed plate (MSP-HDG-TP, 13) onto the threaded bolt with the teeth fac-
ing the post.
4. Screw on a nut (M12 HDG, 14).
: (support posts on concrete foundations) and
Fitting the longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) to support post (MSP-AL-SP, 5)
1. Fit the longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) onto the support pro-
files (MSP-AL-SP, 5).
2. Fit a toothed plate (MSP-AL-TP, 16) onto a hex. bolt (M12×130 A2-70, 15) with
the teeth horizontal and facing the support post and then insert the bolt through
the support post (MSP-AL-SP, 5) and longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-
LCC, 9) from the rear. Fit a toothed plate (MSP-AL-TP, 16) onto the protruding
end of the bolt with the teeth horizontal and facing the support post.
: Fitting the longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) to Cast-in Profiles (MSP-HDG-CI, 29)
1. Fit the longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) onto the cast-in profiles
(MSP-HDG-CI, 29).
2. Insert a bolt (M12×110 HDG, 28) through the cast-in profile (MSPHDG-CI, 29)
and the Longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) from the rear and screw
on a nut (M12 HDG, 14).
: Fastening the longitudinal channel (MSP-AL-LC, 17) on the longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9)
1. Bring the longitudinal channel (MSP-AL-LC, 17) into place between the cross
connectors on the longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) and then
align the parts exactly.
: Joining longitudinal channels up to a total length of < 18 m
1. As a general rule, the sleeve (MSP-AL-LS, 18) should be positioned between the
center of the span and support. The distance between the sleeve and the support
should be l/4, (l = the applicable span length).
2. Begin assembly by pushing half of the length of the sleeve (MSP-AL-LS, 18) into
the longitudinal channel (MSP-AL-LC, 17) (observe the mark on the sleeve) and
then secure it with a self-drilling screw (S-MD 03S 5.5×25, 19).
: Joining longitudinal channels up to a total length of > 18 m
1. As a general rule, the sleeve (MSP-AL-LS, 18) should be positioned close to a
support. The distance between the sleeve and the support should be l/4, (l = the
applicable span length).
2. A sliding connection between 2 longitudinal channels (MSP-AL-LC, 17) must be
made every 18 m (maximum) to allow for expansion.
3. Begin assembly by pushing the sleeve (MSP-AL-LS, 18) a distance of 24 cm into
the longitudinal channel (MSP-AL-LC, 17) and then secure it with a self-drilling
screw (S-MD 03S 5.5×25, 19). The distance between the end of the longitudinal
channel (MSP-AL-LC, 17) and the middle mark on the sleeve (MSP-AL-LS, 18)
must be 10 mm. Total amount of screws required for joint should be previously
: Preassembling the wing clamp (MSP-AL-WH, 11)
1. Preparation of the required wing clamp (MSP-AL-WH, 11): One wing clamp (MSP-
AL-WH, 11) is required at each planned intersection of the longitudinal channels
(MSP-AL-LC, 17) and carrier sections (MSP-MTP, 10). Two wing clams (MSP-
AL-WH, 11) which are fixing one carrier section, must be positioned on the oppo-
site sides of the carrier section diagonally to each other
Printed: 01.04.2014 | Doc-Nr: PUB / 5176385 / 000 / 00
5. Adjust the height of the Longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) in the
ramming profile (MSP-HDG-RP, 1) and then tighten the bolts slightly using a 19
mm socket wrench.
6. Readjust the parts into their final position and then tighten the threaded bolt (MSP-
HDG M12×130, 12) which passes through the ramming profile (MSP-HDG-RP,
1) to a torque of M
= 84 Nm and tighten the M12 bolts in the slots on the top
part of the longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC,9) to a torque of M
40 Nm.
(support posts on earth anchors):
3. Screw on a nut (M12 A4-70, 7).
4. Adjust the height of the longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) in the
support post (MSP-HDG-SP, 5) and then tighten the bolts slightly using a 19 mm.
5. Readjust the parts into their final position and then tighten the hex. bolt (M12 130
A2-70, 15) which passes through the support post (MSP-AL-SP, 5) to a torque
of M
= 50 Nm and tighten the M12 bolts in the slots top part of the longitudinal
channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) to a torque of M
3. Align the longitudinal channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) with the cast-in pro-
file (MSP-HDG-CI, 29) and use a 19 mm wrench to tighten the parts.
4. Align the parts in their final position and tighten bolts (M12×110 HDG, 28) to a
torque of M
= 84 Nm. Tighten the M12 bolts on the top part of the longitudinal
channel connector (MSP-AL-LCC, 9) to a torque of M
2. The longitudinal channel must be fastened with both cross connectors on the
longitudinal channel (MSP-AL-LCC, 9). Use a 6 mm bit or hex key to tighten the
screws to a torque of M
= 20 Nm.
3. Push the next longitudinal channel (MSP-AL-LC, 17) onto the previously-fitted
sleeve (MSPAL-LS, 18) until it butts against the adjoining longitudinal channel
and then secure it by driving a second self-drilling screw (S-MD 43S 5.5×25, 19).
Total amount of screws required for the joint should be previously calculated.
4. Push the next longitudinal channel (MSP-AL-LC, 17) onto the previously-fitted
sleeve (MSPAL-LS, 18) but do not fasten it. An expansion gap of 25 mm must
remain between the ends of the longitudinal channels (MSP-AL-LC, 17). This is
designed to allow for temperature fluctuations of ∆T = 60 K. Please contact Hilti.
Service if greater temperature differences are to be expected during the service
life of the system.
5. Do not position the sliding expansion joint between two fastening points of the
same panel.
2. Insert the wing clamp (MSP-AL-WH, 11) in the longitudinal channel (MSP-AL-
LC, 17) and turn it clockwise through 90°.
3. Bring the wing clamp (MSP-AL-WH, 11) to the approximate planned position of
the carrier section (MSP-MTP, 10).
= 40 Nm.
= 40 Nm.