Range and resolution
9.999 mF
99.99 mF
Overload protection .................. 250 V/DC
14.2.9 Temperature
Range and resolution
-20 to +760 °C
-4 to +1400 °F
The temperature probe accuracy is not considered
14.3 Testing
14.3.1 Diode
Test voltage.............................. 3.3 V
Test current .............................. 1 mA
14.3.2 Continuity
Response threshold.................. ≤50 Ω continuous tone;
14.4 Environment
Operating temperature ............ 0 to +50 °C
Operating humidity .................. ≤80 % RH (non-condensing)
Storage temperature ................ -10 to +60 °C
Storage humidity ...................... ≤80 % RH (non-condensing)
14.5 Others
Fuse.......................................... 600 V 800 mA fast acting
± (10% reading)
± (10% reading)
250 V/AC RMS
±(3.0% + 5°C/9°F digits)
±(3.0% + 5°C/9°F digits)
>50 Ω no tone