2. Introduction
2.1.Contents of the documentation
The purpose of writing this information is for those people responsible for the use of the
RS 350 or RS 1000 centrifugal spreader to read, understand and comply with all the
points mentioned.
The complete documentation must always be kept near to the centrifugal spreader.
The methods that are particularly important for the use of the centrifugal spreader are
shown in the present instructions for use.
Awareness of these instructions for use is the only way to prevent errors on the centrifu-
gal spreader and ensure use without incidents. It is, therefore, very important that those
people responsible for its use also understand the instructions for use.
We will not take any responsibility for damage and operating defects resulting from non-
adherence to these instructions for use.
First of all, we suggest you gain an overall idea of the structure of these instructions.
Please inform us of any difficulties you encounter with the instructions for use, for any
reason whatsoever.
These instructions only relate to
The RS 350 and RS 1000 Centrifugal Spreaders.
The diagrams and information in these instructions are subject to technical modifica-
tions necessary to improve the centrifugal spreader.
RS Centrifugal Spreader.................................................................................................................................................... Page