Triceps (fig. H)
Starting position
1. Sit on a mat with your legs slightly bent and
support your feet on your heels.
2. Hold the article behind your back with both
hands. Your elbows are slightly bent and are
pointing away from you.
End position
3. Tense your arm and stomach muscles and pull
your shoulder blades into your spine.
4. Pull your upper body up and slowly roll the
article straight away from you. Your arms stay
slightly bent and your shoulders stay down.
5. Hold this position briefly and roll the article
back to the starting position.
6. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for three sets.
Important: Hold your upper body
upright throughout and keep your
shoulders down. Carry the exercise out
slowly in order to guarantee controlled
Thigh muscles (fig. I)
Starting position
1. Sit up straight on a bench or chair.
2. Place your feet on the article handles and
your hands behind your neck. Your elbows
are facing outwards.
End position
3. Tense your buttock and stomach muscles.
4. Lift your upper body and roll the article slowly
away from you in a straight line. Your pelvis
stays straight.
5. Hold this position briefly and roll the article
back into the starting position.
6. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for three sets.
Important: Keep your upper body
upright throughout and your shoulders
down. Carry the exercise out slowly in
order to guarantee controlled move-
Inside thighs and lower back
(fig. J)
Starting position
1. Sit on a mat and spread your legs.
2. Hold the article between your legs with both
hands. Your lower arms are resting on your
thighs and your knees stay slightly bent.
End position
3. Tense your buttock and stomach muscles.
4. Lift your upper body and pull your shoulder
blades into your spine.
5. Move your upper body forwards and slowly
roll the article away from you in a straight
line. Your arms stay slightly bent and your
shoulders down.
Note: As a beginner you can bend your legs
more in order to make it easier to roll the article
6. Your head is an extension of your spine and
your spine stays straight.
7. Hold this position briefly and roll the article
back to the starting position.
8. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for three sets.
Important: Keep your upper body
upright throughout and your shoulders
down. Carry the exercise out slowly in
order to guarantee controlled move-
Take sufficient time after each training session
to stretch. The following illustrates some simple
exercises for this purpose.
You should carry out the relevant exercises
3 times on each side for 15-30 seconds.
Neck muscles
1. Stand in a relaxed position. Pull your head
gently to one side with one hand, first to the
left and then to the right. This exercise stretch-
es the sides of your neck.
Arms and shoulders
1. Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent.
2. Bend your right arm behind your head until
your right hand is between your shoulder