• Turn the Position Control Knob to "Open"; the grill will begin
to preheat.
Closed – Choose this option whenever you want to cook food from both
sides at the same time. For this method, foods are sandwiched between
the hot plates for cooking.
• Plug the closed grill into a suitable electrical outlet. (See page
3 for electrical Requirements.) The Power light will illuminate.
Turn the Position Control Knob to "Closed"; the grill will begin
to preheat.
Step 3: CHOOSe a TeMPeRaTURe
Turn the Temperature Control Knob to the desired position. Options range
from "Warm" to "Sear", with temperatures of 325 to 425° in between.
Consider the following tips for selecting a heat setting.
Warm – Use to keep cooked foods warm until serving
Sear – Choose this highest heat setting for searing the outside of meats,
such as steaks, when you want the outside brown and the inside juicy
and pink
Step 4: PReHeaT THe GRIll
Once the temperature is selected and the grill heats up to the desired
temperature, the Ready light will illuminate. This indicates the grill is
preheated and ready for operation.
Preheating times will vary. Please use the Ready light as the best
indicator of the grill's temperature.
325 to 350° – Choose this setting for gentle
heat when cooking eggs, French toast, panini-style
sandwiches and quesadillas
375° – Select this setting for making foods such as
pancakes, hash browns and bacon
400 to 425° – Use for foods such as grilled burgers,
pork chops, and boneless chicken