8.0 operation
If you do not follow these instructions exactly, a fi re or explosion may result causing property damage, personal
injury, or loss of life.
If applicable, always light the pilot whether for the fi rst time or if the gas supply has run out with the glass door
opened or removed.
If you do not follow these instructions exactly, a fi re or explosion may result causing property damage, personal
injury, or loss of life.
Ensure that a continuous gas fl ow is at the burner before installing the door. When lit for the fi rst time, the appliance
If applicable, always light the pilot whether for the fi rst time or if the gas supply has run out with the glass door
will emit an odor for a few hours. This is a normal temporary condition caused by the "burn-in" of paints and
opened or removed.
lubricants used in the manufacturing process and will not occur again. After extended periods of non-operation
such as following a vacation or a warm weather season, the appliance may emit a slight odor for a few hours. This
When lit for the fi rst time, the appliance will emit an odor for a few hours. This is a normal temporary condition
is caused by dust particles in the heat exchanger burning off. In both cases, open a window to suffi ciently ventilate
caused by the "burn-in" of paints and lubricants used in the manufacturing process and will not occur again. After
the room.
extended periods of non-operation, such as, following a vacation or warm weather season, the appliance may
For vent free appliances ONLY: if the appliance shuts off, do not relight until you provide fresh air. If appliance
emit a slight odor for a few hours. This is caused by dust particules in the heat exchanger burning off. In both
keeps shutting off, have it serviced. Keep burner and control compartment clean.
cases, open a window to suffi ciently ventilate the room.
Do not turn on if children or other at risk individuals are near the appliance.
Do not turn on if children or other at risk individuals are near the appliance.
This appliance is equipped with a pilot which must be lit by hand while following these instructions exactly.
This appliance is equipped with an ignition device which automatically lights the pilot. Do not try to light the
Before operating, smell all around the appliance area for gas and next to the fl oor because some gas is heavier
pilot by hand.
than air and will settle on the fl oor.
Before operating, smell all around the appliance area for gas and next to the fl oor because some gas is
Use only your hand to turn the gas control knob. Never use tools. If the knob will not turn by hand, do not try
heavier than air and will settle on the fl oor.
to repair it. Call a qualifi ed service technician. Force or attempted repair may result in a fi re or explosion.
Do not use this appliance if any part has been under water. Immediately call a qualifi ed service technician
Do not use this appliance if any part has been under water. Immediately call a qualifi ed service technician
to inspect the appliance and replace any part of the control system and any gas control which has been
to inspect the appliance and replace any part of the control system and any gas control which has been
Turn off all gas to the appliance.
Turn off all gas to the appliance.
Open windows.
Open windows.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electric switch; do not use
Do not touch any electric switch; do not use
any phone in your building
any phone in your building
This appliance is equipped with an ignition device which automatically lights the pilot. Do not try to light the
When lighting and re-lighting, the gas knob cannot be turned from pilot to off unless the knob is
pilot by hand.
A. Stop! Read the above safety information on this label.
A. Stop! Read the above safety information on this label.
B. Remove batteries from the transmitter and set thermostat to lowest setting, if equipped.
B. Remove batteries from the transmitter and set thermostat to lowest setting, if
C. Turn off all electrical power to the appliance.
D. Open the glass door, if equipped.
C. Turn off all electrical power to the appliance.
E. Turn the gas knob clockwise
D. Open the glass door, if equipped.
E. Turn the manual shut-off valve clockwise to the "OFF" position. (Shut-off valve is
Wait fi ve (5) minutes to clear out any gas. If you smell gas including near the fl oor, STOP!
Follow the instructions above in the "WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS" section. If you
located on the fl ex connector).
don't smell gas; close the glass door and go to the next step.
F. Wait fi ve (5) minutes to clear out any gas. If you smell gas including near the
G. If the appliance is equipped with fl ame adjustment valve turn clockwise
fl oor, STOP! Follow the instructions above in the "WHAT TO DO IF YOU
H. Turn gas knob counter-clockwise
SMELL GAS" section. If you don't smell gas; close the glass door and go to
with an "ON/OFF" switch, ensure it is in the "ON" position.
the next step.
Depress and hold gas knob while lighting the pilot with the push button ignitor. Keep knob
G. Turn the manual shut-off valve counter clockwise to the "ON" position.
fully depressed for one minute, then release. If pilot does not continue to burn, repeat steps
H. Turn on all electrical power to the appliance and re-install the batteries into the
E through I.
transmitter. Set thermostat to desired setting, if equipped.
J. With pilot lit, turn gas knob counter-clockwise
I. Turn on the remote wall switch to the appliance.
K. If equipped with the fl ame adjustment valve, push and turn the knob to high.
J. If the appliance will not operate, follow instructions "TO TURN OFF GAS" and
L. Turn on all electrical power to the appliance and re-install the batteries into the transmitter, if
call your service technician or gas supplier.
equipped. Set thermostat to desired setting, if equipped.
A. Set thermostat to desired setting, if equipped.
A. Set thermostat to lowest setting, if equipped.
B. Turn off all electrical power to the appliance if service is to be performed.
B. Turn off the remote wall switch to the appliance.
C. Push in gas knob slightly and turn clockwise
C. Turn off all electric power to the appliance if service is to be performed.
D. Turn manual shutoff valve clockwise to the "OFF" positon. Do not force.
W415-4150 / A-0 / 05.23.24
to the "OFF" position.
to the "PILOT" position. (If the appliance is equipped
Immediately call your gas supplier from a
Immediately call your gas supplier from a
neighbour's phone. Follow the gas supplier's
neighbour's phone. Follow the gas supplier's
If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call
If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call
the fi re department.
the fi re department.
to "OFF".
to the "ON" position.
to the "OFF" position. Do not force.
add gas knob
add gas knob
add gas valve
add gas valve