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ELITechGroup AEROSPRAY 7522 Manuel D'utilisation page 109

Automate de coloration de lames/cytocentrifugeuse


Annexe F : Contexte technique de la coloration de Papanicolaou
1. G.N. Papanicolaou, Some Improved Methods for Staining Vaginal Smears. J. Lab. Clin. Med., 26,
1200-1205 (1941).
2. G.N. Papanicolaou, A New Procedure for Staining Vaginal Smears. Science, 95, 438-439 (1942).
3. G. N. Papanicolaou, and H.F. Traut, Diagnosis of Uterine Cancer by the Vaginal Smear. The
Commonwealth Fund, New York (1943).
4. P.N. Marshall, Papanicolaou Staining - a Review. Microscopica Acta, 87(3), 233-243 (1983).
5. J.S. Drijver and M.E. Boon, Manipulating the Papanicolaou Stain: Role of acidity in the EA
counterstain. Acta Cytologica, 27(6), 693-698 (1983)
6. M.E. Boon and J.S. Drijver, Routine Cytological Staining Techniques. Elsevier, N.Y., (1986).
7. H. Puchtler, and H. Isler, The Eff ect of Phosphomolybdic Acid on Stainability of Connective Tissue by
Various Dyes. J. Histochem and Cytochem., 6 265-270 (1958).
8. S.L. Pharr, D.A. Wood, H.F. Traut, A Simplifi ed Method of Preparing EA and Orange G Stains. Am. J.
Clin Pathol., 24, 239-242 (1954).
9. P.N. Marshall, W. Galbraith, J.W. Bacus, Studies on Papanicolaou Staining II. Quantitation of Dye
Components Bound to Cervical Cells. Analyt. Quant. Cytol., 1, 169-178 (1979).
10. R.W. Payne, Determination of Basic Dyes by Precipitation with Phosphotungstic Acid. J. Soc. Dyers
Color, 50, 320 (1934).
11. G.W. Gill, Bismark Brown and Papanicolaou Stains. Scanner, 14, 2 (1975).
12. B. L. Dunton, A Single Counterstain Method for Cytologic Staining. Acta Cytologica, 16, 361-362
13. D. H. Wittekind, M. Hilgarth, V. Kretschmer, W. Seiff ert, E. Zipfel, The New and Reproducible
Papanicolaou Stain, Morphologic and Spectrophotometric Observations on the Infl uence of Stain
Composition on Staining Results. Analytical and Quantitative Cytology, 4(4), 286-294 (1982)
14. D.S. Meyers, A Modifi ed Papanicolaou Stain from a Single Stock Solution. American Journal of Medical
Technology, 34, 240-241 (1968).
15. M. Aslani, A New and Reproducible Modifi ed Papanicolaou Staining Procedure. Laboratory Medicine,
18(10), 688-689 (1987).
16. J.G. Caya, L.J. Clowry, L.T. Wollenberg, and G. F. Guenther, American Journal of Clinical Pathology,
83(1), 132-133 (1985).
17. E.K.W. Schulte and D.H. Wittekind, Standardized ThioninEosin Y: A Quick Stain for Cytology. Stain
Technology, 64(5), 255-256 (1989).
18. J.S. Drijver and M.E. Boon, Tertiary Butanol as a Substitute for Xylene as a Clearing Agent. Acta
Cytologica, 27(2), 210-211 (1983).
19. G.W. Gill, J.K. Frost and K.A. Miller, A New Formula for a Halfoxidized Hematoxylin Solution that
Neither Overstains nor Requires Diff erentiation. Acta Cytologica 18, 300-311 (1974).
20. J. R. Baker, Experiments on the Action of Mordants 2. Aluminum Haematein, Quarterly Journal of
Microscopical Science, 103, 493-517 (1962).
21. J. R. Baker and B. M. Jordan. Miscellaneous Contributions to Microtechnique. Quarterly Journal of
Microscopical Science, 94, 237-242 (1953).
22. E. C. Cole, Studies on Hematoxylin Stains. Stain Technology, 18, 125-142 (1943).
23. J.R. Baker, Experiments on the Action of Mordants 1. "SingleBath" Mordant Dyeing. Quarterly Journal
of Microscopical Science, 101, 255-72 (1960).

