All adjustment, conversion, commissioning and maintenance operations described below must only be carried out by Qua-
lified Personnel (meeting the professional technical requirements of current regulations) such as the personnel of the Local
After-Sales Technical Service.
FERROLI declines any liability for damage and/or injury caused by unqualified and unauthorized persons tampering with
the unit.
3.1 Adjustments
Gas conversion
The unit can run on natural gas or LPG and is factory-set for use with one of these two gases, as clearly shown on the
packing and on the data plate. Whenever a different gas to that for which the unit is set has to be used, the special
conversion kit will be required, proceeding as follows:
1. Disconnect the power supply to the boiler.
2. Remove the panels.
3. Detach the electrical connections from the gas valve controller.
4. Undo the fastening screws "E" and remove the gas valve.
5. Replace the gas nozzle "F", positioning it inside the gasket "G". with that contained in the conversion kit. Refit the
parts and check tightness.
6. Modify the parameter for the type of gas as described below.
Reach the screen shown in fig. 56, navigating in the menu and following the path "USER MENU
Test Mode
the OK button.
7. Apply the label, contained in the conversion kit, near the data plate.
8. Using a combustion analyzer connected to the boiler fume outlet, make sure the CO
boiler operating at max. and min. output, complies with that given in the technical data table for the corresponding
type of gas.
Gas Type Selection". Press the contextual buttons 1 and 2 to select the type of gas. Confirm with
Gas Type
to confirm
fig. 56 - Gas type selection
cod. 3541Q764 - Rev. 00 - 05/2021
content in the fumes, with the