High-efficiency circulating pump (optional)
The factory setting is suitable for all installations; however a different operation strategy can be set with the speed se-
lector (see fig. 32), depending on the characteristics of the system.
Setting Dp-v
Proportional head
fig. 33
- Proportional Head Dp-v setting (fig. 33)
The circulating pump head will be automatically reduced with the decrease in flow rate required by the system. This
setting is optimum for systems with radiators (2 pipes or single pipe) and/or thermostatic valves.
The strong points are the reduction in power consumption with the decrease in system demand and reduction of noise
in radiators and/or thermostatic valves. The operating range is from minimum 2 to maximum 7 or 10 depending on the
circulating pump model installed.
- Constant Head Dp-c setting (fig. 34)
The circulating pump head will remain constant with the decrease in flow rate required by the system. This setting is
optimum for all floor systems or old systems with large pipes.
In addition to reduced power consumption, in floor systems all the circuits will be balanced for the same head loss. The
operating range is from minimum 0.5 to maximum 7 or 10 depending on the circulating pump model installed.
- Fixed max. speed setting (fig. 35)
The circulating pump does not modulate its power. It will always work at the speed set with the selector. The circulating
pump can be set to 3 speeds: 1 (Minimum speed), 2 (Average speed) and 3 (Maximum speed).
The operating principle is that of conventional circulating pumps (with a reduction in power consumption compared to
fig. 32
Setting Dp-c
Constant head
1 2 3
fig. 34
cod. 3541Q764 - Rev. 00 - 05/2021
1 2 3
Fixed max. speed
1 2 3
fig. 35