Reach the screen shown in fig. 9, navigating in the menu and following the path "USER MENU
Setting". Press the navigation buttons 5 and 7 to select the value and modify it with the contextual buttons 1 and 2. Con-
firm with the OK button.
Boiler shutdown
From the main screen/Home, press the contextual button
When the boiler is shut down, the PCB is still powered.
DHW mode (with optional hot water tank installed) and heating mode are disabled. The frost protection system remains
To relight the boiler, press the contextual button again
The boiler will be immediately ready to operate whenever domestic hot water is drawn (with optional hot water tank ins-
talled) or when there is a room thermostat demand.
To completely disconnect the power supply to the unit, press the button detail 14 fig. 1.
The frost protection system does not work when the power and/or gas to the unit
are turned off. To avoid damage caused by freezing during long shutdowns in win-
ter, it is advisable to drain all water from the boiler, the DHW circuit and the heating
system water; or drain just the DHW circuit and add a suitable antifreeze to the
heating system, as prescribed in sec. 2.3.
1.4 Adjustments
Summer/Winter Switchover
Press the button
The display activates the symbol Summer. The heating function is deactivated, whereas the possible production of do-
mestic hot water (with optional external hot water tank) remains activated. The frost protection system remains activa-
Set time
: 59
to select
to confirm
fig. 9 - Setting the Time
Thursday 9 Jan. 2014 00:15:60
fig. 10 - Boiler shutdown
(detail 9 - fig. 1) for 1 second.
cod. 3541Q764 - Rev. 00 - 05/2021
and confirm with the button