In the case of stubborn stains or small scratches:
1. Surface defects caused
by micro-scratches.
5. The surface is now
1. Surface defects caused
by micro-scratches.
All the cleaning products for hard surfaces can be used on these worktops. We recommend
you carefully rinse the TOP in order to get rid of any soap residue. Do not use "basic
pH" "degreasers". For calcium spots we recommend using anti-calcium detergents with
an acidic pH (like Viakal). Normally the dark and matt products tend to show dirt more
and therefore it is necessary to be more careful to keep the surface clean; this however
does not compromise the strength and reliability characteristics of the top which remain
unaltered for all the colours. Using hot pads to avoid heat marks is recommended. Hot
pans, other recipients for cooking with heat or coffee pots placed directly on the worktops
could irreparably damage the surface. We recommend you be very careful about using
silicone. Once the silicone has been applied it is extremely difficult to remove. Excessive
and concentrated weights could cause breaking and cracking of the material. It is
recommended never to get up on or sit on the worktops.
2. Place a dampened sheet
of kitchen paper over the
area where micro-scratch-
es are visible.
2. Rub the magic sponge
on the area where the mi-
cro-scratches are visible.
3. Place the hot iron
on the surface to be
repaired. Do not leave the
iron on the surface for
more than 10 seconds.
3. The surface is now
Use & Maintenance
4. Rinse the repaired area
with lukewarm water and
a microfibre cloth.