Pressure sensors
The pressure sensor/s must be inserted on the delivery manifold. There must be more than one pressure
sensor if ratiometric (0-5V), and only one if current (4-20mA). In the case of multiple sensors, the pressure
reading will be the average of all those fitted. To use multiple ratiometric pressure sensors (0-5V) simple insert
the connectors in the relative inputs, without the need for setting any parameters. The number of ratiometric
pressure sensors (0-5V) installed can vary as required, from one to the maximum number of inverters present.
In the case of 4-20mA pressure sensors, only one may be installed; refer to paragraph
Connection and setting of the optical coupling inputs
The inputs of the inverter are photocoupled (see para. 2.2.4 and 6.6.13); this means that galvanic separation
of the inputs from the inverter is guaranteed, to enable the functions for the float, auxiliary pressure, system
disable, and low pressure on intake. The functions are indicated respectively by the messages F1, Paux, F3,
F4. If activated, the Paux function boosts the pressure in the system to the set pressure, see par.
The functions F1, F3, F4 stop the pump for 3 different reasons, see par.,,
When using a multiple inverter system, the inputs must be used with the following settings:
the contacts that perform the auxiliary pressures must be connected in parallel on all the inverters so
that the same signal arrives on all the inverters.
the contacts that perform the functions F1, F3, F4 may be connected either with independent contacts
for each inverter, or with only one contact connected in parallel on all the inverters (the function is
activated only on the inverter at which the command arrives).
The parameters for setting the inputs I1, I2, I3, I4 are part of the sensitive parameters, so setting one of these
on any inverter means that they are automatically aligned on all the inverters. As the setting of the inputs not
only selects the function, but also the type of polarity of the contact, the function associated with the same type
of contact will perforce be found on all the inverters. For the above reason, when using independent contacts
for each inverter (as is possible for the functions F1, F3, F4), these must all have the same logic for the various
inputs with the same name; that is, for the same input, either normally open contacts are used for all the
inverters or normally closed ones.
4.3 Multi inverter operating parameters
The parameters displayed on the menu, in a multi-inverter configuration, can be classed as follows:
Read-only parameters
Local parameters
Multi inverter system configuration parameters
o Sensitive parameters
o Parameters with optional alignment
Parameters related to multi inverter systems
Local parameters
These are parameters that can differ from one inverter to another and in some cases actually need to be
different. For these parameters, automatic alignment of inverter configuration is not admitted. In the case of
manual assignment of addresses, these must all be different.
List of local parameters for inverters:
Test frequency in manual mode
Direction of rotation
Reserve configuration
Fault and warning reset
Sensitive parameters
These are parameters that must be aligned on the entire series for control purposes.
in turn divided as