After setting the RC value and enabling it by pressing SET or MODE, if all elements have been installed
correctly, the inverter starts up the pump (unless error, blocking or protection conditions do not occur).
Rated frequency settings
From the installer menu (if the RC value has just been entered, this is the same page; otherwise access as
described in the above section 5.1.1) press MODE and scroll through the menus to FN. Set the frequency
using buttons + and - as specified in the manual or on the electric pump dataplate (for example 50 [Hz]).
Incorrect settings of the parameters RC and FN, or improper connections can generate the
errors "OC", "OF" and in the case of operation without the flow sensor, may generate the
false errors "BL". Incorrect settings of the parameters RC and FN can also cause failure of
the current sensitivity protection device, leading to loads exceeding the safety threshold of
the motor, with consequent damage to the latter.
Incorrect configuration of the electric motor with star or delta connection may cause
damage to the motor.
Incorrect configuration of the operating frequency of the electric pump can cause damage
to the latter.
Setting the direction of rotation
Once the pump has started up, the user must ensure that the direction of rotation is correct (the direction
is usually indicated by an arrow on the pump casing). To start up the motor and check the direction of
rotation, simply switch on a utility.
From the same menu as RC (MODE SET – "Installer menu") press MODE and scroll through the menus
to RT. In these conditions, buttons + and – enable the user to invert the direction of motor rotation. The
function is also enabled when the motor is running.
If it is not possible to see the direction of motor rotation, proceed as follows:
Method to check rotation frequency
Access parameter RT as described above.
Turn on a utility and observe the frequency that is shown on the status bar at the bottom of the utility control page,
to ensure that the operating frequency is less than the rated frequency of the pump FN.
Without changing collection, modify parameter RT by means of buttons + or – and check frequency FR again.
The correct RT parameter is that which requires, compared to collection, a lower frequency FR.
Setting the setpoint pressure
From the main menu, press and hold MODE and SET simultaneously until "SP" appears on display. In
these conditions, buttons "+" and "–" enable respectively increase and decrease of the required pressure
The regulation range depends on the sensor used.
Press SET to return to the main page.
System with flow sensor
From the installer menu (the same used to set RC, RT and FN) scroll through the parameters using MODE
to reach FI.