To work with the flow sensor set FI to 1. Use MODE to scroll through to the next parameter FD (pipeline
diameter) and set the diameter in inches of the pipe mounting the flow sensor.
Press SET to return to the main page.
System without flow sensor
From the installer menu (the same used to set RC RT and FN) scroll through the parameters using MODE
to display FI. To work without the flow sensor, set FI to 0 (default value).
Without the flow sensor, there are two flow reading modes, both settable on parameter FZ in the installer
Automatic (self-learning): the system automatically identifies the flow and automatically adjusts
settings accordingly. To set this operating mode, set FZ to 0.
Minimum frequency mode: in this mode the shutdown frequency is set at zero flow. To use this
mode, move to parameter FZ, close delivery gradually (to avoid generating overpressure) and
read the frequency value at which the inverter is stabilised. Set FZ at this value + 2.
Example: if the inverter stabilises at 35Hz, set FZ at 37.
An excessively low value of FZ can cause irreparable damage to the pumps, because in this case
the inverter would never stop the pumps.
An excessively high value of FZ can cause pump shutdown even when there is flow present.
Modifications to the pressure set point thus also requires adjustment of the FZ value.
On multiple inverter systems without the flow sensor, the only admissible method of setting the FZ
value is in minimum frequency mode.
The auxiliary set points are disabled if the flow sensor is not used (FI=0) and when FZ is used in
minimum frequency mode (FZ ≠ 0).
Setting other parameters
After the initial start-up procedure, the other pre-set parameters can be modified as required, by accessing
the relative menus and following the instructions for the specific parameters (see chapter 6). The most
common parameters are: restart pressure, regulation gain values GI and GP, minimum frequency FL,
water failure time TB, etc.