AC/DC Inverter TIG/Arc Welder
and allows for a higher current-carrying capacity. This electrode operates far
below its melting temperature, which results in a considerably lower rate of
consumption and eliminates arc wandering for greater stability. Compared
with other electrodes, thoriated electrodes deposit less tungsten into the
weld puddle, so they cause less weld contamination.
However, thorium is a low-level radioactive hazard and many users have
switched to other alternatives.
Regarding the radioactivity, thorium is an alpha emitter but when it is
enclosed in a tungsten matrix the risks are negligible. Thus holding a stick of
Thoriated tungsten in your hand should not pose a great threat unless a
welder has open cuts on their skin. Thoriated tungsten should not come in
contact with open cuts or wounds. The more significant danger to welders
can occur when thorium oxide gets into the lungs. This can happen from the
exposure to vapours during welding or from ingestion of material/dust in the
grinding of the tungsten. Follow the manufacturer's warnings, instructions
and the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for its use.
Colour Grey, DC or AC/DC
Ceriated tungsten electrodes (AWS classification EWCe-2) contain a minimum
of 97.30% tungsten and 1.80 to 2.20% cerium and are referred to as 2%
ceriated. Ceriated tungsten's perform best in DC welding at low current
settings. They have excellent arc starts at low amperages and become popular
in such applications as orbital tube welding, thin sheet metal work. They are
best used to weld carbon steel, stainless steel, nickel alloys and titanium and
in some cases, it can replace 2 percent thoriated electrodes. Ceriated
tungsten is best suited for lower amperages. It should last longer than
Thoriated tungsten higher amperage applications are best left to Thoriated or
Lanthanated tungsten.
Color Black (0.8 to 1.2%), Gold (1.3 to 1.7%), Blue (1.9 to 2.2%), DC or AC/DC
Lanthanated tungsten electrodes (AWS classification EWLa-1.5) contain a
minimum of 97.80% tungsten and 1.30 to 1.70% lanthanum and are known as
1.5% lanthanated. These electrodes have excellent arc starting, a low burn off
rate, good arc stability and excellent re-ignition characteristics. Lanthanated
tungsten also shares the conductivity characteristics of 2% thoriated
tungsten. Lanthanated tungsten electrodes are ideal if you want to optimize
your welding capabilities. They work well on AC or DC electrode negative with
a pointed end, or they can be balled for use with AC sine wave power
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