15 Use according to intended purpose
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15.1 Description
Pos : 10 /=== T echnisc he Dokumentation/C ORIO / D YN EO / MAGIO / PUR A/C ORIO CD/Er klär ung Sicherheits- und ander e Hinweis e @ 0\mod_1409218449017_18.doc x @ 6697 @ 12 @ 1
JULABO water baths have been designed for temperature application to
specific fluids in a bath tank.
JULABO water baths are not conceived for direct temperature
application to food and luxury articles or pharmaceutical and medico-
technical products. Direct temperature application means: Unprotected
contact of the object with the bath medium (bath fluid).
The unit is not for use in explosive atmosphere.
These water baths are operated using a (membrane) keypad
which is protected from splashing water.
The microprocessor technology allows the setpoint value to be
displayed via the LED temperature display and set and stored via
the (membrane) keypad.
The PID temperature control automatically adjusts the heat
supply to the desired setpoint temperature in the water bath.
The water baths comply with the provisions of the European
Directives applicable to the product.
All PURA models have handles for transport.
Models PURA 10, PURA 14, PURA 22 and PURA 30 are
equipped with a drain screw for emptying.
Use according to intended purpose