The Warm Up Phase
This stage helps get the blood flowing around the body and the muscles working properly.
It will also reduce the risk of cramp and muscle injury. It is advisable to do a few stretch-
ing exercises as shown below. Each stretch should be held for approximately 30 seconds,
do not force or jerk your muscles into a stretch - if it hurts, STOP.
1. Down Stretch
Bend your knees slightly and body slowly, let your back
and shoulders relax, and try to touch your toes.Keep it
for 10 ~15 seconds,repeat 3 times.
2. Hamstring Stretch
Sitting on a clean cushion,then bend your right foot.Plac-
eyourleft footagainsttheinnerthigh of your right foot. Try
to touch your toes. Keep it for 10 ~15 seconds,repeat
each foot 3 times. .
3.Calf and Foot Stretching
Stand and place both hands on a wall or a tree,one foot
behind.Keep the behind foot stand and it's heel on the
floor,then tilt to the wall or tree.Keep it for 10 ~15 sec-
onds,repeat each foot 3 times .
4. Quadriceps Stretch
Place your left hands against a wall or a desk to aid your
balance.Then grasp your ankle with your left hand and
pull your foot toward your buttocks. Keep it for 10 ~15
seconds,repeat each foot 3 times .
5. Groin Stretch
Sit with your knees flexed and soles of feet together.Hold
your ankles and bend at your hips.Keep it for 10 ~15
seconds,repeat 3 times.