59.Press the more button to view Filter
Life. The remaining life of the char-
coal filter, mesh filter, and grease
baffle will be shown; as well as the
date they were last replaced.
64.Press the Replaced date underneath
Grease to edit the date the Grease
Baffle was last replaced. Enter re-
placed date and press Enter to save.
63-0132 MTI-5 TS OM 01/24
60.Press the Replaced date underneath
Charcoal to edit the date the charcoal
filter was last replaced.
61.Enter replaced date and press Enter to
65.The filter life bars will refill to reflect
the new filter date and remaining life.
62.Press the Replaced date underneath
Mesh to edit the date the mesh filter
was last replaced.
63.Enter replaced date and press Enter
to save.
66.Press the More button see System
Information. This will show firmware
versions, serial number, and the MTI
tech support phone number.