Important Instructions
Subject: External Dosing
Use With: SC65, IF60, SF60, UF60, LSC65, LPRFRLSC65G, LPRFRLSC65P
Carry out the handling according to the following
manufacturers instructions.
Always respect warnings from the relevant man-
uals of the machine.
Make sure all electric power or other energy sour-
ces are disconnected and closed before any serv-
icing. Always switch off the main switch.
Wait 10 minutes after electrical power is discon-
nected to eliminate power on the inverter termi-
Installation, maintenance and service must be
executed by skilled service personnel only or by a
service organisation with appropriate authoriza-
tion from the manufacturer.
For service, use only original replacement parts.
Re-install all machine parts in the original way.
The qualified agency performing this work as-
sumes all responsibility for this kit installation.
Other service activities than described below, dis-
able all manufacturers responsibility.
Make sure children are not around during work in
A need has been identified to simplify the connection of SC65
professional washers to external "traditional" dosing systems.
"Traditional system" = a dosing pump system which uses signals
from the washers ingoing components.
Therefore a new relay board kit was created, which will also pre-
pare the machine for the connection of an external dosing system.
Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC -
A package consisting of several features was defined:
A relay board (for easy connection/handling of signals for ac-
tivation of the pumps):
main wash
final rinse
A knock-out hole for easy routing of the harness (for the
board connection through a grommet nut):
knock-out hole for grommet nut = ø23 mm
grommet nut capacity = ø5÷9 mm
1 grommet nut included in the kit
Knock-out holes for easy routing of hoses to the detergent
number of holes = 4
knock-out hole dimension = ø20,5 mm
Figure 1
Figure 2
Form No. 6-15-274ENR1
January 2016