❏ Be aware that the Vigo acts as a joystick within the R-Net control
❏ By programming the wheelchair controller, various
functions can be tied to "fifth button" presses, in this case,
the click sensor of the Vigo.
❏ When the fifth button's long-press timeout is set to a
smaller value on the R-Net than on the Link the click
sensor can turn the chair into sleep mode.
❏ In case the fifth button function is programmed so that the
User can access the Omni menu, the Vigo can be used
to navigate within the menu using head gestures similar
to the controller's joystick.
❏ In case the fifth button function is programmed so that the
User can control actuators, the Vigo can be used to move
the actuators using head gestures similar to the
controller's joystick.
❏ After the drive mode is initiated, a distinguishable audio feedback
can be heard.
❏ The chair will move according to the head movements
and the profile settings of the Link and the controller.
❏ The chair will move until the function is deactivated or
failure is detected. The chair stops immediately if a failure
is detected, a cable is unplugged or wireless signal is lost.
❏ The chair can be stopped while in drive mode by moving
the user's head to the initial neutral position.