When driving with the Switch-It® Vigo system, do not forget to
switch modes in order to be able to safely look around or control
the actuator(s).
When driving with the Switch-It® Vigo system, make sure that the
user is properly trained by a trained professional and have enough
(a couple of weeks minimum) indoor experience driving the
wheelchair before starting to drive outdoors in traffic.
Always make sure that the blink detection sensor is at a safe
distance from your eye, cheek, or the corner of your mouth – 1-3
cm – and in a position that a sudden change in the position of the
Vigo won't hurt your eye.
Circumstances that can affect the operation of the Vigo:
The Switch-It® Vigo Head Drive Kit offers unprecedented freedom of
movement by using wireless radio communication. The operation can be
disturbed in environments with above-average Bluetooth or Wifi device
usage, this may result in a safety stop.
Please refer to our special safety checklist at the end of this